Still trying to convert my girlfriend into a fan

There are a few movies that are not BAD movies in the lexicon…

Russo/Finn Epics: Day the Earth Froze, Magical Voyage of Sinbad, and Sword and the Dragon are not BAD movies. They’re dated movies by today’s standards, but they are not inherently bad compared to stuff like Monster A Go Go or Manos.

Hercules Movies: Similarly, the Hercules movies are all a bit dated but otherwise they aren’t bad. They follow a coherent plot, generally aren’t boring, and aren’t chock full of stuff that would be considered goofy, stupid, or nonsense and the acting is competent.

The Spy Craze Movies: Secret Agent Super Dragon, Double Double 07, and Danger Death Ray were all made in the height of the spy craze and they are not BAD movies. The acting is good, the plotting moves along, and they are not inherently any dumber than any other 007 movie (Octopussy? Diamonds are Forever? Moonraker?) They are just not as charismatic at times (leaving off DDR’s bad models and edit cuts :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Others: There’s other movies in there that aren’t BAD but may not be great either. Stuff like the Painted Hills, or Swamp Diamonds, or I Accuse My Parents, or Girl in Lover’s Lane, or Tormented, etc.

And Mitchell … of course … is one of the best MST episodes ever made and when you get right down to it the movie isn’t a BAD movie. It’s not super exciting, but it’s a competent enough cop drama.


You left out The Sword and the Dragon. Admittedly not the strongest of the lot. But it has the wind demon and the Disneyesque tablecloth weaving sequence.


Another one- Space Travelers, aka Marooned. It’s got Gregory Peck and Gene Hackman, heck it won an Academy Award!


A few more procedures and she’ll be a full-fledged fan!


Sadly, MST3K was one of those fandom differences in my last relationship.

We watched Gamera and Cry Wilderness before they admitted they just weren’t in to MST3K as I am.

It didn’t cause any friction, mind you, and it definitely wasn’t the reason we broke up. But it did kinda bum me out that I couldn’t really share a show that means a lot to me.


You left out The Sword and the Dragon. Admittedly not the strongest of the lot. But it has the wind demon and the Disneyesque tablecloth weaving sequence.

Love the pageantry and weird slapstick. ADORE the riffs and the sketch where they hold forth on that sequence.

(I hate to think too hard about Disney in conjunction with the show, though. :sweat: They got their hooks into enough good things already.)


Sounds like all you can hope for is rifftrax.


MST3K movies that are enjoyable unriffed, IMO:

First Spaceship on Venus
Teenagers from Outer Space
The Day the Earth Froze
The Beginning of the End

If you want to start with shorts:

Mr. B Natural
A Case of Spring Fever
Here Comes the Circus
Hired! (both parts)


My wife became a Mystie. Not at the level I am, it’s not her first pick, but when I choose, she enthusiasticly agrees to watch it now. She even throws in her own riffs from time to time.

Only took me a couple of years.


Have you tried reverse-headshrink-ology? Introduce her to something like Lawrence Welk or Meet the Nation re-runs, or Gallagher specials.

Actually I like Lawrence Welk.


I’m a huge fan of MST. Have been sine the 90’s. Also love Rifftrax. My wife has the same issue as your girlfriend. Likes the concept, but has has a hard time getting over the awfulness of the movies being riffed. But that’s the point. They riff on these movies BECAUSE they are that bad. That’s their thing, that’s what they do!

That being said I was surprised by how much she genuinely enjoyed watching MST take apart Manos: The Hands of Fate. She also really liked Werewolf a lot, so maybe try them. Would also recommend Parts: The Clonus Horror. Was good enough for DreamWorks to rip off it’s plot to make The Island (then they got sued for that).


I’m curious how many find it difficult because they can’t seem to throw a switch (push a button) that lets them get beyond the movie being the high-level thing to pay attention to, as opposed to subverting it themselves and hearing the riffs as ‘the point’.


Same, although my husband took to it a little quicker as we went to see Cinematic Titanic a couple times and he really liked those live shows so that helped.


I like to call Parts “That movie which ripped off Coma and then got ripped off by The Island.” :smiley:


And a hat-tip to Never Let Me Go.


They choose to go to Moon 13 in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.