They Just Don’t Make Em Like They Used To

I mean, nearly every classic movie has me thinking that, tbh.

Like, the German Expressionist silent films which were so otherworldly:


Tim Burton, in his glory days, used to have some of that feel.

From the '30s, Astaire and Rogers made dumb and formulaic movies that were sublime:


Just the sheer skill and discipline needed to do these numbers—often without cuts.

From the '40s, I miss Technicolor, glamor and movies where very flawed people could still be loved, and treated with the lightest of touches despite their significant flaws.


From the '50s, I miss wonder:


From the '50s & '60s, I miss musicals that could tackle social issues:

Or just be silly:

From the '70s, I miss—and this is something I never thought I’d say—but I miss the oddly egalitarian and often humorous treatment of racial issues:

From the '80s, I miss the practical effects and—something else I never thought I’d say—car chases:

And from the '80s and '90s, I miss the not-quite-micro-budget era of filmmaking which produced some of the oddest and most interesting films at the least expected times:
