Welcome to the "Forum Feedback" Forum!

“I’m different.”


It’s a conspiracy to prevent mycophiles from discussing shitakes.


Well, at least they aren’t jugglers.


Thanks for using Discourse for the forum. It’s easily my favorite web forum software.


It would be nice if there were a way to reply to a topic without scrolling all the way to the bottom, unless I’ve missed an option somewhere. Topics can get very long.

Read the posts here regarding threaded vs. non-threaded posts. There are pros and cons both ways. Threaded posts gives you the ability to see nicely organized discussion but on the other hand, I have seen long discussions with branches so deeply nested, it becomes hard to follow.

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On the scrolling to the bottom of a topic to post a reply - another user pointed out in another topic there is an option to do that at any point to the right of the list of messages. So, I did miss an option. Never mind.


No worries - it’s not all that easy find, especially in the blossoming “Introduce Yourself” topic. And I’m glad I could help.


I think it would be useful to have different ways of responding to posts that aren’t directly replying but have more range than a simple “like”. Don’t wanna clutter up a thread with single-emoji replies but I want to specifically and non-intrusively express if something was funny, sad, etc.


I just noticed that i’m not labeled as a backer on my account? I’ve signed up and connected with the account I used for Kickstarter so i’m not sure why or if it’s happening to anyone else!

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Same - no Backer label, though I’m a backer and used the same email as advised

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I don’t even see a way to connect my Kickstarter account, though it is the same email address.

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Me too! I made sure to use the same email but i still don’t show the backer label :frowning:


I saw this response in another thread so I thought I would update here - click backer under the username of anyone who has it and you can request to get the backer status, where you provide your Kickstarter backer number and you should be good to go!


Same here. Maybe it takes a while to make the connection.

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been more than a day for me. I also tried logging into Kickstarter to see if that would help (it shouldn’t … and it didn’t but sometimes the weirdness works)

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Different question, is there a plug in or something that will allow users to remain logged in? Also, how long can you remain logged in before you get kicked and have to log in again?

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This is kind of a “it’d be fun to have” idea, but I’d like to be able to see a breakdown of everyone’s favorite robots. Like a pie chart showing the favorites.


I’d like to suggest again adding the Laugh response alongside the Like response. We talked about this during the KS campaign, and it definitely has utility on a forum that is centered around laughter and comedy. There are a number of posts I’d be using it on already, and currently all I really can do is Like them instead. Which is nice, but doesn’t convey quite the same reaction.

Plus, you could add a whole new set of Badges based around one’s Laugh gets and gives. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Oh, and is there a “mark all read” feature for various forums? It would be nice to clear all thread for myself so that only the truly new ones show up in “highlight white”.


Just throwing in my two penn’orth - I personally dislike Discourse as a forum base and find the discobot tutorial patronising and unhelpful. (I concede that I was pretty sarcastic with my replies though, so maybe that’s fair). It took several attempts to get through some of the stages, I think because using cut and paste was pulling in some extraneous characters from somewhere, that were difficult to remove.

NaNoWriMo switched to Discourse last year, and my entire region hated it so much they switched over to Discord.

I’m not expecting the team to change the forums because of my feelings, of course - but there were some people above saying they did like Discourse and I just wanted to let you know it’s not universal :slight_smile:


I would like to see an ability (if it doesn’t already exist and I just don’t know how to use it) to see all unseen posts in one place. The only way I current see to do it is to click on the MST3K moon to get to the home page, then click on the “unread” tab, then click on one of the forums that have unread messages. When I’m done with that thread I have to go back and start the process all over again to get to the next thread.

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