What are you cooking?

I can’t actually vouch for it at the moment - both my family and my employer are HQed in Chicago, and I’m back here through Thanksgiving. However, when I left on Monday, it was hale and hearty, enjoying a very mild and sunny fall!

To be on-topic, I’ve quickly become spoiled by the beautiful local produce available in even the most basic grocery stores year-round. I’m aggressively plotting to be able to grow my own.


I’m in Charlotte so I hope it’s still here. If not, where am I?

[has existential crisis]


Cool! Yeah the produce and meats have always been a major appeal to me, and maybe it’s the elevation but it definitely beats out Denver’s unreasonably priced and under-ripe produce.

I spent my highschool and young adult years over in Mt Airy and/or around Fayetteville so I figured id ask when I creeped your profile - I think Kudzu took over Surry County, though


Have you confirmed with your neighbors that it is indeed Charlotte? Lots of places pretend, you gotta double check


Valid. I’ve been trapped in the house all day and it’s dark out now, so there’s really no way to be sure.


Your hometown is no slouch either, culinarily or otherwise. Please think of me when next you enjoy rainbow trout!


Does Denver have good trout? I will need to get back to you on that - I moved here for a job about two years ago only to find out that it’s overcrowded and Boulder doesn’t like me because I aint from around here…

In a lot of ways it’s like being back in the south gets misty eyed


Denver has the best of the mountains and the prairie: Freshwater fish, berries, corn, horned animals, root vegetables.


I really should eat at least one Buffalo while im here


I’m waiting to see if I get invited anywhere for Thanksgiving this year. If not, I’m prepared with chicken and stuffing and I can make myself something pie-like. :smiley:


I think KFC caters…
Actually I might be counting on it.

Oh, crap - does KFC cater???


If I had succeeded in moving to Wisconsin this year I would invite you! Lousy husband is all like “but my job and your nonprofit stuff and all the people we know are here and I don’t have to shovel snow” BAH


I got invited last year. I may still this year. We’ll see. I’m definitely not inviting myself anywhere. :smiley:


My retired supervisor (today, CONGRATS!) is going to deepfry their turkey.

I feel like if i tried that, Id invent a very novel grenade


Nope. Just looking for new ways to avoid them.

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Well there’s you’re first problem! There’s a reason we call Boulder “12 square miles surrounded by reality.” LOL! umph, you arrived right when everything skyrocketed in price. We’re usually not as expensive as what you’re seeing right now.

Boulder does have one of the best farmer’s markets. I think it runs May to September on the weekends.

What kind of thing are you looking for? I might be able to offer some suggestions.


Yeah, it’s been a crazy ride - I fled a failing EMS system in Pa for my og college degree career only to get here and find out im taking home about the same after factoring cost o living. My managers in La have no concept and my supervisors both retired so I guess I run a tv station now o.0

But I’ve been to Pearl street a few times (congrats on conquering a street MST3K) and I have a King Supers card, which I assume is just what my old grocery store evolves into this far west.


I don’t want to belittle your beautiful state, but when I told the hiring manager I was familiar with Colorado what I meant was I played some games based in Colorado.

The Oregon trail cuts through here, right? And Wasteland 3 used a top down map so thats like, i dunno, topography


Oh i forgot to mention the part where im open to suggestions during that epic

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As an apéritif, having a 24-oz. can of Steel Reserve 211 lager now. Perhaps will have another one in a few minutes, along with another healthful cigarette.

As an appetizer, I shall have spray cheese in the “sharp cheddar” flavor on some crackers.

After that, maybe four or six White Castle frozen(-then-microwaved) “classic cheese” sliders. On a clean-enough plate.