What are you cooking?

Just cooked something I had delivered from The Blackface Meat Company earlier this week. They are an online butcher whose main business is the Blackface breed of sheep.
Anyway, I just roasted and ate a delicious saddle of hare, served with cream cheese mashed potatoes and peas.
The other part of the delivery was a brace of pigeon, which I had a couple of days ago, plus a rack of Blackface mutton, which is for tomorrow or Monday.


Birthday crab cakes:


I cooked the mutton this evening, with a rosemary, mustard, honey and panko crust. Served with roast potatoes and peas. Delicious - like lamb but with more flavour.


Not sure what to call this, basically french onion soup but instead of bread it’s ramen noodles, with Parmesan cheese melted on top using a butane torch.


The Ardbeg 10 (it’s a food! I didn’t cook it myself, but it counts!) is true to reputation a heavily peated smoke monster.

The few times I haven’t finished a bottle of creature in a day have all been Islay smoke monsters…Laphroiag is usually my go-to, but have heard so much about Ardbeg that I couldn’t resist.

It is a … challenging … pour. Probably puts hair on your chest, or something like that.

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For Good Friday, I made shrimp jambalaya! I enjoyed every bite of it!


Forgot it was Good Friday so I had a sirloin steak cooked with sous vide and seared to finish. Had I remembered, I still would have made the same thing, but maybe found a way to add some bacon in there.


Easter pizza:


I love ardbeg. It’s probably what I drink the most.

No kidding! That’s pretty hardcore as a daily drink! I do like the Islays, the smoke monsters, but I don’t think I could have it as a daily pour. More once in a while for me, while I stick with something tame like Tullamore or others for regular.

Respect, yo! Propers to you.

No whisky in the house, but I do have a bottle of Libarna Riserva grappa, aged in oak for 18 months so it has a bit of added flavour on top of the usual grappa zing.


That sounds interesting! I didn’t know people really did much with grappa. Just out of ignorance, I always thought it was sort of like the French “eau de vie”…something ancient dudes spent afternoons drinking way out in the country.

Basically European version of white lightning, shine, you know.

It appears there is more to this grappa hustle!

Opening up a bottle of Paddys…it’s probably an appropriate day for it! “She is like my wife…not much to look at, but I have her anyway!” (Or whatever vile thing the riverboat captain said in the Return/Revenge of the Creature one).

/* Might have a few Doritos along with…that is the traditional accompaniment, I think, back in the old sod. */

Key lime cookies


This has the colour of a whisky and is much more interesting than the bog-standard white spirit.
In the past, I’ve had Bottega Riserva Privata Barricata, which is aged in Amarone wine casks, which is a darker brown and tastes fabulous.

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Roast leg of lamb with mint sauce, potatoes, and salad with pea shoots, snap peas, and green goddess dressing.


Arrakis sandworm, duck eggs and mash. I had some samphire I was going to steam, but it had gone off a bit, so I binned it.


Jollof rice, prawns and spring onions. I knew the Jollof sauce was spicy, so I used less than recommended. A light sprinkle of lemon juice before serving.
Still a bit too much sauce. Tasty, but hot.


Ginger snaps. I’ve only had these I think twice in my life and one of those was store-bought, but I was randomly struck with the urge to make them at three o’clock this afternoon. The process was fun, and the dough was really pretty and the softest cookie dough I have ever worked with.


Homemade ramen.

In my new Godzilla ramen bowl.

I win.


WHAT Godzilla ramen bowl??!??