What is your TALENT?

Sorry, no. My go fast car is no more.


I paint small things:

I also Master the Games:

And in my spare time I manage to scrape up some coin by slinging code:

while(bored) {write.new(code)};


steve martin cat juggling GIF

brad pitt film GIF



Ok, you ride, I drive!!! :racing_car: :racing_car: Vroom vroom!

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That’s very cool - any vids or sound samples? I’m curious what Classic Yellow Mustard sounds like. (I’ve heard Mustard Gas, which is basically radio one for the guitar, and Yellow Drive…

and Donner Yellow Fall (which I liked - I’m a sucker for delays)


The Classic Yellow МПstard pedal is a germanium Rangemaster treble booster clone. The transistor is a Russian МП20, which, along with the bright yellow enclosure, inspired the name. The knob is polymer clay over a brass insert, by the way. It sounds quite excellent, but I don’t have a clip to prove that, unfortunately.


I also make tombstones!


[points to The Ink And Paint thread, or my profile]

My other talent is stockpiling tons of paper junk, though I’m far behind on posting it. And doing my own remainder-bin riffs on it:

The paper being the source of the collages, in part.

Let me know how I’m coming along. I will quote the show now and then, but the rest is mostly mine… if not exactly original. :wink:


I’m a rather good cook with a very large repertoire. Good thing, too, since moving to small-town North Carolina where my takeout options are severely limited in contrast to Chicago.


There are few places that rival Chicago for food awesomeness and options!


If you are ever in Sarasota, FL, go to Tony’s Chicago Beef*. Tony is from Chicago, and he gets the correct ingredients from Chicago. Hot dogs and Beef sandwiches (which you should order “dipped”). My brother, who used to live in Chicago, almost cried when he tasted it.

*EBK is in no way affiliated with Tony’s Chicago Beef.


We had a shop like that here for many years, but the owner was kind of a… dickweed.

(I loved Chicago both times I got to visit. I mute every clod commentator on every site who feels compelled to use it as a dumping ground for their penny-ante “sociopolitical” grudges.)

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Well, it isn’t called the Windy City because of the weather. :wink:


Well, don’t feel too bad, Chicago. There’s a reason that locals here refer to Portlandia as a documentary. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tend to agree with MR_Potroast on what he calls the Community Law: “It’s OUR pool and only WE get to whiz in it!!”


I’ll see your Chicago, and raise you New Orleans.

Edit to add -



Never cared for seafood, which is a bummer when you’ve lived somewhere (Seattle) that was known for that. Course, they also had Seattle Dogs… but I don’t want to eat dogs, especially one with cream cheese and jalapeños. We’re also known for terrible coffee (Starbucks).

Talent… uh, I guess I could throw a fish, like they do during football games.


But, there’s a Tully’s next to every Starbucks still, right? (It has been over a decade since I’ve been there. Maybe two decades.)

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I’ve since moved, but Tully’s have shuttered their windows and locked their doors where I’m living, and I think they’re gone, statewide, by now. Though it was pretty funny when they briefly closed for lack of coffee in 2018… seriously, you didn’t stock up? Or maybe Starbucks set up a supply line blockade?

Side note: When I did live there, I felt a little like John Candy’s Fishin’ Musician, who had a fishing show, but didn’t like fish himself (loved the episode with the Tubes… who performed Sushi Girl, lmao)


My real talent is looking at things, identifying issues, and offering possible solutions. Professionally that’s been in business processes, or software, or data.

Outside of corporate America I do that with performances, particularly magic shows. My value there is that I understand how magic works but I’m not a magician, so what I get is how an audience of actual humans sees the show, which is something a lot of magicians are especially bad at. In fact I’ve just finished meeting with someone who asked me to attend his show and give feedback, and his feedback to me is that I should really do this in a for-reals manner. Like charge people a few hundred bucks for these sessions instead of just, like, buying me lunch that day. So maybe that can be something. TBD.