What's YOUR Problem? A Thread for Griping Part 3

Well, if I must épater les bourgeois…

This is a quote from a public Facebook post that I made just now.

Half-gripe? Yes. But also pleased that I think this post came off very well.

Not going to spoiler it…no curse words…just harsh criticism.

Too harsh? I dunno…seemed about right. Yes, she (and therefore her psychotic husband…not that there’s anything wrong with that!) has the legal deed to our condo, so has a number of legal rights and responsibilities, even though I pay all the damn bills on this sunken ship.

Except taxes. She does the property taxes, which are…well…that’s another gripe.

I can hear this gif. :hear_no_evil:


Most people think that to drill a lock you just take a 3/8, maybe 1/2, bit and go right at the key way.

Nope. That takes longer, and makes a bigger mess.


Yeah, it takes two bits…one smaller one to drill out the top, and one to shear off the thingies…

That’s why I had to find the right bits to put in my “emergency” kit. Plus charged spare battery. Plus eye protection.

Yeesh! Even I know that! And I’m an idiot!

But you’re doing the lord’s work, sir!

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I missed the Changing of the Gripes!


Very little sleep for two days. Now that I’m feeling a bit better, but exhausted, I can’t get to sleep.


Oh Drat I missed the start of round 3 :angry:


You son of a Mad!

Tcheh. Typical. Just like a Bills fan to come in strong but late to the season and miss out. :innocent:

(Relax, Dixieland Kid…I’m a Bills Mafia as well…just taking the p*ss out of you is all).

Heard that! Yeah. I think I read in Glamour magazine that sleep was good for one’s health, but I skipped that page.

Sympathies, regardless.

Oh, Gripe? It turns out that Glamour does not have very much advertising or content related to male undergarments or support hose. I find that offensive.

OH, but wait, there’s more!

I love Facebook…it keeps distant relatives close and stuff.

/* edit…I think I might actually have to take my sister to court. As in sue her. While she’s alive, that is, because she sure as heck isn’t getting no liver transplant if she can’t even pass EtG tests after how many years.

Yes, we’ll be going to court at some point, which, from having seen Judge Judy and so forth a few times, always goes well. TV judges lurrve it when blood family members go after each other…been a few decades, but that is what I recall. They love it. Good chance for a lengthy speech about whatever.

I’m actually more worried that her husbands family is incredibly wealthy and can afford unlimited resources [you ever heard of WD-40?..yeah, that’s them] and I’m an unskilled laborer, although a pretty darned good one.


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Oh, poopie.

I just realized my sister’s in-laws can swoop in and buy outright my mother and father’s real estate.

I’ve spent hours examining the estate and the wills…and, not being a sentimental person, it’s pretty likely Big John (my father) will die in the next several months.

Even with the brain tumor, and the large (unburst) aneurysm, it’s very possible than my mom, Big Pat (she’s actually not “Big” but I think it’s funny, but I don’t mean to offend…I’m a tad chunky myself, as in could lose forty pounds and go to new york city and be a stud!)…we’re an odd family, since this is our own language. And I’m the only MSTie in the group! Well, maybe Uncle JJ O’Leary…but he…he stays where is…in downtown PDX. He knows what he did!

I don’t think I’m that stupid, but … I’d have to look at the documents again. And, yes, saying “I ain’t that stupid” is probably shorthand for “Yep, is dumb as rocks!” Not that bad but where’re my cans of sodium? See? Not that smart.

Smart enough to look over thd documents, and smart enough not to sign anything. And these are will and testaments, which my sister and I both will hire attorneys to scrutinize, And, BTW, I’m smarter than her. Tcheh. She got a mensa card. Big fricking whoop. You Triple-9? Oh, I forgot to ask, Ling Ling…how’ve you been keeping up with your Junior League projects. Oh, yeah, I know. Too bad, so sad.

/* Oh, fresh GRIPE.

WTH, Natallya?


I know you’ve only been with our team of two-to-four people for maybe eight weeks.

Just can it with the “dynamic stretches” and that Reiki cult garbage. Yes, we know you’re used to “leading” a group of like a hundred 18 year-olds. And, frankly, I can watch you stretch. And I do like a moment of pause to TCB.

But you’re really going to count out, as in numbers, and dictate what we do?

Frankly, that’s insane for a group of two, three people who are adults and have been doing this job for a while.

It may be an HR mandate…but everybody’s going to make fun of it. Why? Because it’s potentially dangerous, physiologically, and it’s dumb.

Sure, push that stupid sh&t on some eighteen year olds working the night shift, but obviously we’re not doing that, and we’re laughing in your face,

Oh, and, AMZN, “Reiki” stretches? Yeah, we’re pretty sure the Reiki cult went dark a number of years ago. Might want to call your dynamic stretches something else. Said somebody six years ago or more.


Really, the only reason I don’t drop down and start doing pushups is that I’d have to remove my vest…a lot of pens/pencils/radio/etc.*

However, I think I’m going to start when she starts her Reiki stretches. Just take my vest off and get my face on the floor.

That’s more useful to my than stretches I do all the time.

Mine being a physical job, I don’t “hit the gym, bro,” but I’d be shocked if I couldn’t crank out fifty in perfect form…maybe more (I hope more)…and then just start doing burpees.

Anything to shut that would-be Reiki cult leader the hell up.

Although, the amused acknowledgement by her boss of my “Eins, zwei, drei, vier!” probably should have given her a little clue that we’re not some 18-year-old clowns…frankly, she already knew that, but perhaps forgot, and maybe was a bit nervous being under observation.

Nah, she’s OK…she was just a bit nervous I guess and was sticking to the script she was used to.

  • Oh, I forgot the other reason…I don’t really want to “get my face in the dirt, maggot, and give me twenty!”! No, I like pushups, but no so into doing a hundo pushups before starting to go do real work. One of the better body-weight exercises out there, and I “enjoy” cranking them out once in a while, but just to prove to myself I can do it, really.

Stupid thunderstorms woke me up @ 0500!

And now I can’t get back to sleep. Grrr!


I got woke up at 2:30am by thunderstorms and I’ve been awake ever since :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Better thunderstorms than the screaming skulll.


I’d say you all do OK.


Some movement on the VA saga; my PCP had to put in an order for me to get x-rays of my pelvis so that when she put the Ortho consult back in they wouldn’t reject it. Thankfully I was able to knock that out yesterday, so I’ll be informing my PCP of that a bit later today. I also dropped off the disc with my MRI scans on it so that could be added to my file; supposedly I’ll get the disc back in a couple of weeks. I’ll believe that when I see it…

And for a more current gripe, I’m getting my boobs squashed later today (aka my first mammogram). Why hasn’t someone figured out a better way to do a scan of a woman’s breasts that doesn’t involve squashing them to death yet? To add to that, I’ll be having a gynecological exam later this month as well, and I hate those just as much because having a cold, hard plastic thing jammed up inside you and then cranked open as wide as possible hurts like the dickens.

TL;DR: being a woman sucks.


Request the metal one! They don’t f***ing pinch!

But also, I’m glad that there is traction on your hip thing.

Also, I hate the boob squishing thing…dumbest test ever.


Jimmy, please stop posting this stuff.


Well, I respect you, @EBK, but I don’t really see that I’m a one-trick pony when it comes to gripes.

I’m really trying to be on the good side of the line here, so there is something I’m not getting.

I respect you and the other mods, and I really value having access to this forum.

I’m trying, but if it’s not enough, please advise. I really am trying, no bull.

If I need a “defense” (which I don’t think, because we all know each other pretty much), I cleaned up the language of a RL message I sent to my sister just now. And I did warn people that even though I’d cleaned up/scrubbed the language, it was an intense takedown of my sister.

About at the level of an RTCrow rant, including PG language.

But yes, I won’t gripe anymore. That’s fine, and I respect your decision.

'tis a bit vitriolic. :woman_shrugging:


Meh…little bit.

But, hey, one must rant sometimes!

I usually do mine IRL, or on FB or whatever, but I do try to clean up my language for here.

FWIW FB bot was all like “blah blah something something,” so I had to edit that as well.

You know what they say, right: “If you look around and don’t see the dummy, it’s you!”

But, it was a rant, and I sent it to my sister and thought it would fit in on the Griping thread.

Think of it as a “roast” hosted by Jeff Ross but the jokes didn’t land. Hey, mea culpa, and I knew it was intense, and now I know even salty, G-rated language, spoiler-boxed, with plenty of warnings is not OK.

GRIPE!!! My dishwasher is still not working. What gives?

plus: I will not miss a day of forum visits because here I am

gripe: it is not yet dawn here and I didn’t get to sleep until 4am


We better see some crazy, post-procedure posts later!