What's YOUR Problem? A Thread for Griping Part 3

My gripe is that there’s been one single gripe in the last 12 hours and I live for this thread.


How’s this, I just went to empty the kitchen bin and discovered a good inch of garbage juice at the bottom. :nauseated_face:


Them’s good trash squeezins!


Yes, I was a teenager and alarm-clocks woke me up everyday.

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Same - alarm clock always did the job for me. Also, in my house you didn’t want dad banging on the door telling you to get your tail out of bed. (He was Navy - a sweetheart, but still - Navy, and if he gave you an alarm clock, you used the alarm clock and got up when it rang… end of story).


Just let them sleep, jeez. Otherwise they’re all zombified and whiny and their music is lame and they make crap decisions and eat dumb things.


Hey, no need to bring my parents into this.


It’s not phishing, it’s just regular spam, but it’s mostly a gripe…

Apple usually does a good job of killing spam e-mails, and I’ve a fairly good set of filters set up , so I seldom get spam. But sitting down today, I was greated with -

This was after I’d run them thru SpamCop, and reported to the FTC - Then that top one popped up. I took the screen grab, then while reporting it, 2 more.

They all come from huawei (damn Chinese government for allowing such things!), and all web links are to tinyurls pointing to cloudflare sites.

I think I finally have a good filter in place, or others are taking note on their end.

Edit to add - my filter didn’t work - had to tweak it.


I (finally) started the Learn to Crochet kit that’s been sitting on my table for months. But I’m apparently holding the hook too tightly cause it hurts that hand while I’m working on it.


You’re not supposed to use Force Grip on it!


Be careful. It’s addictive. At this point, my wife is dying her own fibers and spinning her own yarn.


This is how far I’ve got on the Sonny Clark piano solo from Grant Green’s recording and arrangement of “Oleo.”

He plays like five 32-bar choruses.

I haven’t even got one.

Nor tested it on a piano to see if I’m an octave off or have some wrong notes.

This is a sinister urge that is boiling my blood and making me obsessive and crazed.

Yeah, who needs school or whatever they have to get up for. Pamper the brats - prepare them for the real world! Yeah, go ahead and sleep, you kids today with your big pants and colored chalk and your hula-hoops and your Neve Campbells and 23-Skidoos and whatever else was in that bit.


Dude, you’re gonna have so many Yeti backpacks. I guess those are good for hauling all your Stanley mugs, right?

My gripe is that I have the day off but I’ve been working for the last ~4 hours. This day off is not going well.


Indeed. I didn’t even know Yeti made backpacks. Coolers, sure, but not backpacks. They are probably also overpriced.

The good news is I finally seem to have to have my filters tuned correctly.

The bad news is that the Chinese government refused my request for them to turn their firewalls around and block everything coming out of China.


I don’t want their help! They just get in the way and screw things up!


Ok im going to try to retell my story that got flagged for naming 2 people in the news, I guess
So I was watching Russell Brand’s live podcast on monday. He was a live chat people comment on and he sometimes reads then out. There was like 1.5 people on. He was also wearing a hat he called tiny, so we were all busting his nuts.
So he shows a clip of… let’s just say the son of the brother of a very popular president from the 60’s who was assassinated.
His voice sounded weird. Shakey like. So I made a comment “RFK SOUNDS LIKE AUDREY HEPBURN” Then he started reading some comments, then I hear “RFK SOUNDS LIKE AUDREY HELBURN?” he says “THAT IS NOT KIND. DO NOT MAKE COMMENTS ABOUT THINGS PEOPLE THEY CANT CONTROL”
I was like, omg I just got smacked by Russell Brand! Out of all the comments I sent. They were funny about his tiny hat! But I cant post the names I used.
So there it is… thats what i was trying to tell you. I thought it was funny.


Well, if it’s a podcast, at least one doesn’t have to look at that clown’s offensive rictus and fright-wig hair.

Actually, that Brand character was completely wrong: he’s as stupid as he is an unfunny, unaccomplished “personality,” not known for anything except being a “face.”

People actually can control their voices, barring some neurological or other physical defects or handicaps.

My neighbor who cackles like the goddamned Wicked Witch sure as sheet could control her disgusting emissions, pretty sure.



They should not be enabled to make any pens or pencils which are capable of rolling freely on a flat surface.

This must be forbidden.

RFK Jr has a neurological disease that causes his shaky voice, and should not be mocked for it.

There may be other reasons, but not that.


And we’re going to stop right there. This is why the post was flagged the first time.