What's YOUR Problem? A Thread for Griping Part 3

Firstly, I’m dangerously close to needing a second hand to count all the bruises I’ve received in the past few weeks thanks to softball. Last night, I had my foot stepped on by a girl bigger than me in cleats. :confounded: My foot is all the colors and heartily resents anything touching the top of it today.

Secondly, I just discovered the nest of baby catbirds in my lilac bush was wiped out. :confused:


My nephew turned 18 today. :partying_face: He’s planning to go to community college for a couple of years, then wants to transfer into Berkeley. It’s a great plan! As part of that he’s going to apply for several apartments in Cupertino tomorrow, rooming with a friend he’s known since kindergarten. So my gripe is that the average rent on a 2BR in Cupertino is $3,938 per month.

Good luck, new adult! You’re gonna need it. Glad I’m not paying for it!


I didnt know that. That was ignorant of me.
I thought it might have the microphone because the audio sounded weird.

You’re telling me not to mock in a forum for fans of a show that is famous for mocking.



Not you, it was me.

An earlier version referenced events, probably, 20 years ago, and referenced science. However, they could be interpreted as political, and I was flagged. I edited my post, and, I assume, all is well. Certainly nothing I want to fight about.


Idk I like him. Being a former junkie myself I admire his many years of sobriety. I think hes pretty smart too. And hot!

So stick that in ur pipe and smoke it. OR pour that in your glass and drink it :stuck_out_tongue::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My favorite place to get gumbo is closing next month. Scoop from my favorite server there


No! Am on a diet and only smoke between 1500 and 2200.

Not a gripe in se.

But I despise that creature RB all the same. Anyway, how are you supposed to know every personal detail of some random shmo who has never, ever been elected to anything whatsoever? Just some idiot rando who is only famous for being famous, like a Kardashian kid or a Jenner junior or a Dugger d….….…

No, I disagree that “smart” == “reading trash tabloids about random people who have nothing to do with anything except perhaps as a non-profit profiteer, like countless other tabloid fail-people.” In fact, I very much doubt RB knew anything whatsoever about whatever random face’s conditions…strictly knee-jerk, like, “Ewww! I don’t like that, ur mean girl!”

I wish my voice sounded like AH instead of a cross between Tom Waits and Dr. John, when singing.

I installed a plugin on a Wordpress site and lo and behold, suddenly there’s a ChatGPT icon in the admin bar.

Nope. NOPE NOPE NOPE. Uninstalled and why YES, I will provide feedback on why!


You can save on lipo!!! :+1:

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Someone told my wife the other day that in his latest round of assignment-marking he found two obvious AI-written papers. I imagine that’s only going to get worse as they add AI buttons to everything, and it’s only a matter of time before some Karen kicks up enough fuss that an idiot executive demands they accept that crap.


If I had a nickel for every time I took an environmental science class and found the subject interesting, but the teacher absolutely infuriating, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
In high school a teacher gave me a very low grade on an assignment because other students happened to pick the same topic but do it better. It didn’t matter that I filled all the requirements and had no way of knowing what other students picked. I was hoping taking a college class on the same subject would be a better experience.

In college, the teacher is super nitpicky about answers. I can describe something in great detail, proving I understand it, but if it’s not the wording she was thinking of (which isn’t indicated in the question, and we’re supposed to reword things anyway), then it’s not worth full credit. Grrrrr. :rage:

This class already takes hours of textbook reading every week (I usually have to dedicate an entire day just to the textbook), there’s no way I can find and remember the specific points or words she wants when it’s not even the same points she puts in the one-to-two hour video lecture that is also required every week. Summer classes are the worst.


Use the force! Afterall…you are “The Chosen One!” :grin:

Id like to see a .5 half a person! :laughing:

And ya cant be too critical of a guy that got to be married to a babe like Katy Perry! :grin:

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My gripe is that this excellent iced coffee I’m drinking is not bottomless.

(Who needs a functioning heart anyway? R.I.P., Tina Turner.)


At least you have some advanced notice and can get one last trip in, as opposed to not knowing and being disappointed by going when they had already closed.


You don’t want it to be bottomless. The coffee would all fall out of the cup.


I mean, he’s right. Providing that to someone as a cup would be a trick, right? Unlikely to spur much goodwill.

Though I don’t imagine that “Bottomless Tube Momentarily of Coffee For Burning Your Feet” would sell very well, so I guess it’s deceit or nothing.

What I guess I don’t understand is why you don’t just pour the coffee directly onto your feet. You seem really hung up on this cup idea, jeez.

I guess if “lie to me and burn my feet” is your thing, then go nuts. I’m not kink-shaming anyone.


Non-coffee-related griping:

The thing where you eulogize someone while proclaiming They did everything right and yet–

A) I doubt anyone literally “does everything right.”

B) Maybe don’t be judgy towards other people whose lifestyle was/is not clean enough to conform to your Checklist Of Those Who Deserved To Live

Yeah, I may be a tad defensive here. Yes, some health decisions are within a person’s control. But many, many of them really aren’t. And passers-by don’t know which are which, no matter how much they think they do.
