What's YOUR Problem? A Thread for Griping Part 3



Keep this up and it will be a…






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What in shartnation is going on here?? :sneezing_face:


In the case of Adobe, it’s because a lot of their products have a very large learning curve. I have been using Photoshop since version 2 came out in 1991, and that’s the ONLY reason I’m pretty good at it now. If I had to start it from scratch, I can’t imagine having either the time or patience to pick it up. So once you know it, there’s a certain locked-in effect where you can’t justify the time to learn something new. I have considered trying a switch to Gimp, but I will never give up Illustrator, as I’ve already tried some alternatives and just ended up flailing around.


Would you like to tell Adobe how you feel about AI? I already have:


Apologies to all!!!

Sorry I got carried away.


On a more serious note I do see that my company which shall remain nameless does its best to steer clear of most Adobe products due to a lot of the issues listed above. I’m not sure if this is a gripe per se but I’m not a great fan of the way most companies are going these days mostly because they’re all kind of pulling stunts like Adobe does.

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How have people not all run to Paint Shop Pro?

No subscription, pay once and use it as long as you want, has way more features than GIMP, feature wise it seems to be fairly comparable with Photoshop.

I’ve been using it since before Corel bought out the company that originally made it. I just took a look and Corel seems to be playing up the fact that it’s a one time payment, so hopefully they will stick with the no subscription way of doing photo editing.


Ah…Corel. The early years.

My gripe is that Harold wasn’t allocating profits correctly according to costs of operating a lemonade “stand,” and that his claim to have reaped over fifty cups of “lemonade”'s worth of income is probably a crude but somewhat reasonable attempt to course-correct his “business” “partner”'s temporally profligate ways.

And, Harold is a four eyes, so it doesn’t make much sense that he should have done much, if any, of the “customer” wrangling, nor should he have been in charge of much requiring close attention to visual detail.

And baseball boy was a lousy pitcher, a messy eater, and a loud, grabby person who should have been so lucky to have served as cannon or punji-stick fodder were he born a decade or half earlier.

Yes, “The Lemonade Stand” was not that great an educational “film.” I only learned that kids are doofuses, and I already knew that, so over three minus forty-eight cents equals nothing. No. Did not learn anything.

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I have a friend still making a good living working on ColdFusion projects. Seems like Adobe stuff lasts forever

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I was a heavy duty FrameMaker user for years before Adobe bought it and started, uh, enhancing the experience.

I landed back in a Frame shop just at pandemic time, and by default became responsible for making it run remotely for a team of 6, because I could spell “VPN.” What a mess.

Adobe has no interest in improving Frame, only in counting the user base beans until they all die off.

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Oh, I remember.

No problame with slow drivers. They stay in the granny lane, or whatever. It’s fine. Admirable, even.

But, judas fricking priest. This is a ramp onto a fu… a freeway…does this person not observe how fast those cars are driving? Nor how it is imperative to match one’s speed to the traffic if one wishes to merge?

Yes, I’ve taken to cutting across the whole little “median” area (it’s just pavement with some white stripes on it and some road rash leftovers) to get the hell out of the way of these menaces.

If one isn’t comfortable driving on the freeways one should not. I know I would prefer not to, but it is expedient and thrifty in many cases.


And on Wednesday one of those a-holes dared to honk at me while it transferred to the hammer lane, after I had settled into the middle lane (having predicted that the rightmost lane of three converts to exit only in a few miles) following the above vehicle at a safe distance.

Presumably because I’d “cut” out the “stuff” and merged onto the highway successfully, with the only intention of not “trying” to “merge” at a fast moving highway at an absurd forty miles per hour.

You vinegar water solution, just get up to speed!

Why don’t they look?

/* EDIT:

Oh, wow.

This is the most insincere waste of a polluting carbon based “life” form I’ve ever seen.

No, it’s not that she talks funny.

It’s that no reasonable person in the world would ever believe anything she says.

Her mouth is a contaminated gutter of filth. It is an open sewer. It’s disgusting.


So. I know gimp. I must know a different gimp.

And why did we stop the butt stuff?

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I don’t have a test kit, but I think I may have mild COVID. Lots of the right symptoms – fever, aches, coughing, sore throat, congestion, fatigue. I haven’t been out of the house in 4 days. I just feel physically drained all the time. Didn’t eat at all for a couple of days, but I did manage to eat some chicken nuggets and applesauce today.


I don’t know.

It was probably forbidden or something.

But you have yourself a very gimp-tainment evening or morning, young lady, and stop trying to make me take movies of myself!

I’m going to have some Steel Reserve 211 to wash this down with.

Also, I’m perturbed that close to forty-five minutes of me cursing at the camera and mic stands and such didn’t make it onto my “camera” (==“phone”) but I did have the MOVO VXR-10 dutifully mounted.

It’s really a lot to ask, and especially now I have to trace down the problem between the EH Lester and the JBL 15…this is the reason why people don’t typically record their own stuff, unless they are the stereotypical slugs on a log just sitting around or whatever.

Cords get tangled. Must be detangled. One hand’s knitting a cable knit sweater. The other hand too. And it just keeps on…

Judas fricking priest, if you want to hear a live recording so damned much, go do it yourself. There’s supposed to be a killer Hammond player at Rochester, MN, is what a pal told me when she went back there a while ago.

Spoken as a former theater tech geek, there’s a reason blocking exists for reasons of putting various microphones and cameras.

I can’t do it. John Waters or Gus Van Sant, Ed Wood, sure. But I’m not those guys. I can set up to perform live, but 99% of the effort in any stage time goes into making sure and triple sure everything is solid.

And that the performer does something reasonable.

And that’s why outsider art exists, and I’m happy to remain outside of that régime.

God dammit…yes…right in the spot where the new toenail is apparently trying to grow back in.

Well, it is cold comfort that I was striding in back to my office after having decided that Cedar Walton’s montuno is just A7 and Bbmaj7…and decided that I should just write out his voicings on the classic tune.

Yes, IIRC from lots of times, Cedar just does a nice voice leading thing and mixes it up a bit, as one does, but he does have a kind of stock pattern he came up with.

Same with the chords in the B section…those aren’t tricky at all, but it matters a good bit how one voices them in the middle register. It seems like a hippy-dippy kind of fun for all, and it is, but the musicians on this track really do have an arrangement, although it certainly wasn’t written out. But it’s a pretty formal album, Mode for Joe, when it comes to tunes and the parts this relatively large combo had.

Heh. Yeah. That’s right little piggy toenail! And don’t come back now, y’all hear!

Oh, judas priest it’s almost Monday. I suppose it’s the single mother who constantly complains about her difficult schedule as a manager while name-dropping her “fiancé” every other sentence’s turn.

Jeez, she sounds like a dullard, or an improperly supervised user of quaalude every time she tries to speak.

Jesus fricking priest. If you want to drone on about your fricking heartbreak of a life that you are forced to work this fricking schedule as a manager, as a single unwed mother, and then in the next sentence talk up your “fiancé”…this woman is ridiculous.

But she sounds like a fun drunk.

/* late edit…of freaking sheet…yes…exactly…in the same damned spot…goddammit.

It would have been much worse if I had a toenail there, though.

He says through clenched teeth as he curses everything you are and will ever be. */

I step outside to water the blueberries, and it’s raining. Neither of my weather apps say anything about rain.