What's YOUR Problem? A Thread for Griping Part 3

MOD HAT: Guys … come on.

Let’s move on from the toilet humor please.


So I noticed the roll of trash bags under the sink was running out, and finally remembered while I was in Costco. So I grab a box, 200 count. I’m good for another 4 years or so at the rate of about 1 per week.

I get home, and go to put the box in the storage closet, and find I apparently remembered the same thing a month or two ago. I now have 400, plus what’s left of the roll under the sink.

I don’t need to buy trash bags until 2032 or so.


I just found out that a former bandmate of mine is battling bladder cancer. He is facing chemo and bladder removal. That really sucks.


Every piece of trash gets its own bag!!


Call The Midwife Reaction GIF by PBS


Apologies Sir.

But to @LadyShelley:



Very sorry to hear this, apologies.

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Dude normally we disagree but what youre going through is a normal biological problem that we have ALL experienced from time to time. And I know in my experience it can really mess your day up. Thats a legit gripe!


tv show butt stuff GIF


Tcheh. Whatever with your butt stuff.

Goddammit, I make the plunge all the way to “upgrade” this one system from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04…I have to undo all of this “snap” trash (chiefly Firefox and Obsidian)…and now my compose key is all snafu’d…

No, I’m not married to this damned fool Ubuntu corporate crap, but I’ve got one other box with a variant (a converted Chromebook back when you had to gut chromebooks to get them to do things…running GalliumOS)…and another one that I need to flash with a chip clip sometime…

Meh, I arch bruh, totally…but this POS Canonical shtuff is annoying me. Don’t talk to me about snap, Martha.

Eh, it’s mainly just a mild PITA to transfer all my stuff from my daily driver to my fun weekend OS…but it is time. Pacman, you will live! But I’ll not forget dpkg.

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I was explaining to my daughter about the differences between Gimp and Photoshop and saw that Adobe had a page that claimed to compare the two. It never compares the two. It barely mentions Gimp.

I expected ridiculous propaganda from Adobe, but they give absolutely no reasons why Photoshop is better than Gimp and list a bunch of things that Gimp can do too.

They only mention Gimp a few times at the top and they never mention it again after:

How is Photoshop different from Gimp?

They ask a question they literally never answer.

They could have lied, they could have stretched the truth, they could have brought up the paltry number of things Photoshop does that Gimp can’t. They never do. They never say what Gimp can or can’t do.

Like I said, I expected ridiculous propaganda. I didn’t expect them to just pretend Gimp doesn’t exist in their article about Gimp.



Or they had a lot of ridiculous crap, the legal team shook their head, and Bob Manager said just cut it all out and post it anyway? When it comes to Adobe, anything’s a possibility, no matter how stupid.


Someone else suggested it was SEO manipulation to try and stop people thinking about downloading Gimp from doing it.

I even prefer Photoshop to Gimp and I think this is bogus as hell.


I cannot figure out how a company whose business plan seems to be “instantly turn everything to crap” makes a single dollar.


The sad thing is, they used to make really great products. Even now, software like Photoshop and Premiere are still pretty good.

But their subscription model is moronic and, of course, they’re now cramming AI into all of it.


You should take it up with them privately, probably.


I don’t care how many times I’m censored for it:



Good point

Yeah publicly quarreling with the mods has never been productive, I don’t think.

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Yup, time for me to move on!


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