912. The Screaming Skull (1958)

Good one. Consider it done!

The Gumby short at the start was a riot. The first time I was watching this happened to be while I was eating a pizza dinner. I was laughing so hard that I nearly choked on my pizza!

The Screaming Skull had some good jokes made about Mickey the gardener; given his demeanor, a first time viewer may even think the was the movie’s villain.


The actual villain floored me. I hadn’t suspected the one responsible. I’ll hand the movie that. I too thought the gardener did it.




Seeing this in the opening, I ALWAYS Think it’s Soultaker.

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This might work better as a play.


It already seems like one, given that there’s only uh… five people in the cast. Plus the skull and the tacky portrait.


There’s also the ghost of the old wife when she manifests in the climax.


Why? It fits your sense of the other movie?

Yeah, this Soultaker and Werewolf blend together as far as what I think the host segments are.

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So what a Dizzy Grizzly?

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It’s probably not a GummiBear-shaped edible, but it should be. :rainbow: :peace_symbol:

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A hard movie because the main female lead is treated so badly. Not only is she portrayed largely as a helpless victim, but they go even further by making her so frustratingly oblivious that even though she is sympathetic I was so frustrated and annoyed by her that I just want to grab and shake her every time she’s on screen. Screaming Skull is the movie where was as the MOST frustrated with the protagonist of any other movie … until The Bubble came along and the husband made me want to punch him in the teeth he was so stupid.

The husband too … he makes it into the top 3 slimiest, sleaziest, most unlikable antagonists in MST. Not only is he a louse, but his plotting is so dumb it is almost as frustrating as the protagonist’s cluelessness. His plot relies so much on the cooperation of his victims, random chance, and pure luck that its a miracle he didn’t get arrested in the first 5 minutes of the movie.


This is one of those episodes that’s diverting to watch, but then most of it leaves my mind instantly afterwards, apart from the free coffin sketch (or mini-arc). That always makes me chuckle quite a bit.

I’m always slightly irritated at the fact that the poor first wife had a broken skull, but then when the star of the movie appears it’s always intact. Quite healthy looking, really. :grin: With an extra hundred bucks for terrible animation, maybe we would’ve had at least one scene where it crumbles away in midair. Or explodes. :wink:


I feel cheated we never got The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra vs. The Screaming Skull


Throw The Oozing Skull in there and you’ve got a triple-decker!

(I’ll bring the antacid.)


A cranial trifecta!


Mickey the gardener was a hoot.

Why were Three Stooges sound effects used when he got slapped?


The skit where Tom and Crow try to vent their rage over the Gumby short only to break down completely is a true gem.


“Aliens?!? What is that, one of your Earth jokes?”

(I adore “Lost Skeleton”)

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