Change Email address

Totally. Yahoo doesn’t let me set up forwards without paying, but it’s at least free and not going anywhere.

So, November 2023 has almost passed and we still can’t change our email addresses. At least we can shout into this ignored void of a thread.

Someday, my email change will come…

This could not have came at an unfortunate time. I’m kicked out of my inbox and have to change this one.

For the love of Rowsdower, can someone please help me update my email address?


Like for real, seriously though. My internet provider changed a month ago and I’m going to be losing access to the email account. I can’t change my email on the old vimeo account, the new gizmoplex account, or this forum account. @Lesley any assistance would be appreciated.

As we’ve mentioned before, there is no way to fix this in the Discourse software. Unfortunately, you’re only option is to create a new account for the forum.

You should be able to update your email address at the VHX site by going to Settings → Account

Hi LadyShelley, thanks for the info. Once I sign up for a new account will my settings/history be able to transfer?

new account created: new handle is shawnshine1965

At the VHX site or in the forum?

The VHX site should be the same since all you are doing is updating information.

As for the forum, I do see a merge function in the admin tools. I’ve never tried using it, however, if you’re willing to be a guinea pig, we can try it. I would need to know your new account information.

Okay, let me try merging that with your current account and we’ll see what happens.

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You should be merged. From my side it looks like it worked

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Huh. Would this be the best guess on a workaround, then? Create a new account with the email address you want to have, and then have a forum mod merge them? (strange feature. I wouldn’t have thought up something like that.)


I’m hoping so, but before I try it with anyone else, I want to make sure it worked the way I expected it to on shawnshine’s end. (Meaning can he access the new account after merging the old account into it.)


Sorry, very late in responding. My apologies. Looks like it worked, at least for all my forum posts and stuff. Still checking things out. My profile pic looks loke I’ll have to add back.


As best as I can tell everything is there! CAPSULE!


Here’s an interesting bonus idea: now that the accounts have been merged (and I’m presuming that means the original is gone), can the username on the new account be changed to that of the old one?

I can edit that field, I’m not sure if the user can.