Fido, Spot, and the Big Bad Booms of Summer.

A semi-regular reminder that if you have pets who don’t do July 4th and other Spring and Summer celebrations well, now is the time to start talking to your vet about what can be done, what you may need in-home, and what vets can prescribe to help- not three weeks from now.



Not only do we have summer fireworks to upset my dogs, we also have a golf club not too far from my house that fires a cannon every time they have a new member. One of my dogs hates booms, has to hide in my windowless office when there’s thunderstorms. The other dog gets angry at them and barks at the same thunder. So July 4th should be fun for whoever is staying home and not taking the kid to the fireworks display.


Also if you have humans who are likewise affected.

I’ve got my earplugs. Do you?


Was just coming in here to say this. Some veterans don’t react well to sudden explosions, for very understandable reasons.


The puppy has, to date, shown no reaction to the early Memorial Day fireworks, thunder, or gunfire, so I’m cautiously hopeful.

My last dog would go completely to pieces. I had some luck calming her with a Thunder Shirt, but she still hated all booms.


I think some folks don’t realize that sound just hits differently for some animals.
Hell, I have an oddity with it- on the left side of my head, hold a tuning fork near my left ear and ok yeah, can hear… I’m in my 50s after all. Touch the tuning fork to my head and the vibration makes my head light up like a XMas tree- I can’t ‘turn off’ bass, vibration, my own damn heartbeat. It’s hell. Volume doesn’t matter, I can walk around my neighborhood and stand over the pumps in the various underground systems and tell you right where they are. Bass from next door? No, you can’t turn it down enough. Got an office party going? You can’t be quiet enough. Fireworks? Well…

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My dog shoots off fireworks inside the house and leaves the toilet seat up.

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