First MSD3K You-Riff Wrap Party. Please give feedback.

Great! I’m pretty sure I’ll do a matinee next weekend, but I want to make sure I don’t have any conflicts first.


I hate that I missed it.

Will hopefully be done working before it’s over next time.


Yeah I am an unusually luck bastidge. Weekends are good!


I work weekends. That’s why Fridays are good for me. Still, this sort of thing might also be good in a later—night format.


I don’t think I can accommodate everyone here, but it seems like a weekend would be best. I can’t do later at night and Fridays are already taken up.


What? It’s easy, your schedule might look something like this:

Schedule GIF by Ottawa International Animation Festival


Okay, I think I have decided, unless there are any loud objections (I realize you can’t make it, @klcorridon, and I am sorry) that I am going to do this on Sunday afternoons as a Sunday matinee. I was thinking 3 pm EST to get the West coast late risers. I’m going to start with shorts and commercials and I’ll just have it go as long as I have randomly downloaded shorts for rather than plan out a time limit, but hope for 1 hour to 90 minutes. If people feel like it’s too long, then I’ll shorten it. This is enough fun for me that I’d sit through a double feature, so I’m trying to hold myself back. I am going to restrict myself to the public domain, so if you want to make suggestions based on things that are on (which is where I am getting much of what I am downloading for now), feel free, but I may turn you down if I’m not satisfied that it is not copyrighted footage. I’ve done a lot of work in this area, so I have a lot of experience in figuring out PD status, and I’m willing to take a risk or two, but don’t assume it’s PD just because it’s on because people are using it to upload any movie they can think of now and no one seems to be policing it. I’m only getting downloadable stuff from there because that’s what the software I have will allow me to do, so I can’t rebroadcast a YouTube video on the Twitch stream.