First MSD3K You-Riff Wrap Party. Please give feedback.

It seems like all of us who participated last night had a lot of fun. Even @Spotty_Boots and @OfYourExistence who wouldn’t get out of chat! I think I know how I want to do things moving forward, but what I would like to know is: would you rather keep doing it before the group MST3K watch or would you want it on its own day? How much time would you like to devote to doing the riffing? I could honestly do it all day so a time frame would be helpful.

If it’s evening, 8 pm EST is probably as late as I can go. But what do people feel about a Saturday or Sunday matinee? I can play more content that way, but people may not be as available (I won’t always be available myself, but that could be true for evening watch parties too).

Speaking of unavailable, I will be gone most of the day taking my daughter to antique malls, so I won’t be able to respond until probably this evening, but any feedback would be appreciated.

Also, feel free to invite others to the watch party if you want. The more the merrier. Getting some more activity around here wouldn’t be the worst thing either.


It was fun, I can’t really keep up with the “discussion” chats, I was thinking that there was going to be a chat here, at the gizmoplex. I don’t know if what I dropped in the twitch chat showed up for anyone except the twitch users, but I had a good time.


I would suggest a different day from any watch party just so different/more people could participate and it spreads the forum fun out a little bit.


Maybe half an hour instead, if it’s still before an episode.


I logged into both chats to see how it would go. For time of day, some time zones might still at work. Also, let people know that they don’t need an account to watch. They can use it on a streaming device or computer and just chat here.


Stopping in for a minute on my phone. What do people think of a weekend matinee?


I did see you on the Twitch chat but I did not use the Twitch chat myself because it requires and account.

I thought it was great fun, but I would probably only drop in for these occasionally, not every week – I already spend too much time here :slight_smile:

My vote would be NOT immediately before another watchalong, I’d rather space it out rather than have one long block of back to back watchalongs. Or as klcorridon says, maybe a half hour before a watchalong, like making our own pre-movie short!

I definitely could do a weekend matinee but it would be a case of am I sitting around or not – if I’m not out doing something I’ll put it on but I might not make it appointment viewing. I like the idea of a different time than the watchalongs because I know not everyone can do that time and this spreads out the opportunities to participate.

Thanks for organizing it!


For me the usual time is a weekend matinee.


Mostly fun.

Most problems were my own. Trying to watch the short, watch two sets of comments, think of a riff, and type it out (while being a slow typist) kept me mostly behind. I’ll have to adapt my technique and technology for the next one.

I’d also prefer something other than a full hour prior to the watch party. Maybe 7-7:30 eastern or a different day and time.


I really like the idea of doing an old fashioned Saturday or Sunday matinee of weirdness. People could even jump on and off if it goes on too long. I’m just not sure if people are saying they would be around for that or if an evening is better.


Yeah, a different night than the other watchalong is probably better. A weekend would probably work good.

My only complaints about it can’t really be solved. And that’s the issue of typing a comment after something happens means that it is kind of out-of-date by the time people see it. You don’t get that on the show because it is scripted and they just say it out loud. That and trying to watch two screens - the stream and the forum. I did a split screen so I could see both at the same time. I don’t think just switching to the Twitch chat would make a lot of difference because you’re still trying to watch two things. This isn’t as much of a problem with the watch-alongs of MST episodes, because a lot of time those aren’t “new” viewings to us like the shorts were last night.

All that said, I thought last night was a good time. I enjoyed it. Well, most of it. I did have some nightmares about the party fairy’s bell.


That’s always been a problem for you-riffs since back when they were done on SyFy.


I like the matinee idea. I wish it could be a weekday afternoon, since I get to set my own hours it could be a break from work! Not a weekday evening though, since I have meetings a lot of evenings. Either Saturday afternoon or evening can work for me. Sundays aren’t quite as good but ya know, don’t schedule a whole thing around me :slight_smile:


I think very few people will be able to do a weekday afternoon.


Sorry I didn’t join, but I really don’t want to create yet another account to yet another new service or platform which I’m not familiar with and which I’m unlikely to use for anything else. I can barely keep track of all things and passwords I already have. :confused:


You don’t need to create an account unless you want to use the Twitch chat, which most people didn’t use.


So, watch on Twitch, but chat here?

(Sorry. I’m slow.)


I did.


Yes, exactly. You just click on the Twitch link to watch the video and then chat here in the forums.


Yay!! All right than I’ll give it a go next time if I’m able.