General All-Purpose Star Wars Thread

I hope I’m not going too far off topic by discussing Star Wars made this century, but I’m really enjoying Andor so far.


I saw them for the first time on VHS tapes recorded off of TV. :slight_smile:


Not at all! This is a thread for all things Force related. :slight_smile:

I have not seen Andor yet, I’m waiting to watch it over the holiday weekend. I’ve found with Mandalorian and Obi Wan, the story makes more sense if I don’t have weeks between the first episode and the last. I’ve heard a lot of folks raving about that one, so I want to be able to follow the story.

I’m also eager to see the next season of Mandalorian. I really hope the Boba Fett story ties in more with that season as there are threads hanging there that I’d like to see resolved. I also want to know what happens next with Mando and Grogru.

I’d love to see more of Obi-Wan, too. There are whole realms of story that could be told with the character in those years while Leia and Luke are growing up.


This is a thread for all things Force related.


I did. Saw Star Wars in '77 when I was 7, Empire in '80 when I was 10, then Jedi in '83 when I was 13. Seeing the first 2 at those ages was just pure magic. I saw both, in theaters, many, many times. Star Wars probably 25+, as I lived right next door to the mall and could just walk there in 3 minutes. Can’t see if being more then a dollar back then, if that much, so it was just awesome. And funny thing is, and some may recall this: this was in the SECOND year it was out. Yes, those movies were in theaters for YEARS not weeks or months.


You can tell those of us who watched the original trilogy either on TV, on tape or in the theaters long before the prequels came out because we’re still calling the first movie Star Wars and not A New Hope. It will always be called Star Wars to me.


Sounds like you’re the same age as me when I saw them all in theaters :movie_camera:


The good old days. I saw Jurassic Park in the theater in '94, more than a year after it was released.


I saw all three in theaters. I was 5 when Episode IV came out. =)


Word to that.

I know that things have become such that, with the franchise itself being known as Star Wars, we’re entering a Southern-kinda “we use the word Coke to refer to any variety of soda” confusion sorta deal, but I ain’t care.

It’s Star Wars, man. That’s what I’m going to call it.


I was 10 when Star Wars came out, but did not get to see it in the theater first run. My brother, who was 3 years older went to see it with his friends, and I was extremely jealous. I don’t remember why I wasn’t allowed to go, I was probably grounded at the time for bad grades or something. When Empire was released, however, one of my sisters took me to see it on a double bill with the original, and it was glorious. The theater we saw it in was brand new with a huge screen, but has since been torn down. I believe I saw Jedi at the same theater.


Seems Andor is getting a second season. Filming is due to start in a few weeks.


I saw that. Problem is, I havent seen Rogue One and was planning to right after Andor, seemed so perfect to have not seen it with this show coming out. Now I cant wait to see the film. But now with a season 2 I’m guessing I will have to wait at least another year or more if I want the complete prequel before the movie. I already planned to finally watch over Turkey day break from work so maybe I still will, not sure. I havent had any spoilers yet for Rogue One but feel them coming now that people are talking about this show more and more.

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Andor basically has nothing to do with Rogue One apart from sharing a few characters, none of whom are especially different in the movie.

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I figured that but thought it would be nice to see their journeys and character development prior to seeing them in the movie, a reversal for how most SW fans had it play out. Im going to watch in it as soon as this season is over, I dont want to wait any longer.


Honestly, his journey is less interesting than another character in both the series and the movie who I won’t spoil for you, but you know exactly where they’re going to end up without seeing the movie for other reasons. I think you’ll see what I mean after watching it.


This was how I almost always saw movies, even into my college years. It was rare that I watched a movie when it was first released (and in the expensive theaters). I would wait until it had been out for a few months and moved to the dollar theaters (well, the $3 theaters) and then go see it.

One major exception? The first prequel. My friend and I waited in line to see it in the expensive theater in town. …and I was very disappointed. I didn’t bother doing that with the other two prequels, although I did watch them.


I was pretty unhappy with the first prequel movie. As for the second… I won’t say I was tricked into seeing it, but someone made a big deal about digital projection and said I absolutely had to have that experience… yeah, whatever. Fortunately nobody had the power to make me watch the third one.

That said, despite all the faults, I will say this for the prequel trilogy: it didn’t feel like a remake of the original. It had echoes, but definitely told a different story (a story I was wholly uninterested in, but still). Looking back, my charitable re-read is that perhaps Lucas went onto that new-fangled interweb in the early 90s to see what Star Wars fans wanted in a new movie, and because at the time it was mostly bad fan fiction, what he wrote was bad fan fiction.

As for the sequel trilogy, to me it feels like “hey, we heard everyone say they hated the prequels and they just want the original trilogy, so we’ll just adapt that. You’re welcome.” That said, I think there are far more new things in the sequel trilogy of value than in the prequels (I also agree Finn is the most interesting character). I did see all of the sequel movies, but I don’t think I’m likely to watch them over and over like I did with the originals back in the day.

But I’m also older and have other interests. Have I even watched the originals in the last 20 years? The closest I’ve gotten is either the Family Guy version or the weirdo grindhouse fan edit. I’ve had no interest in the television shows, but that’s not from a “now I hate Star Wars” place; it’s from a “there are other things that interest me” place (as well as an “I don’t have Disney+” place). So despite my dumping on the later movies, I hold no ill feelings towards anyone who may love them, and I have no opinion whatsoever on the shows.

This is a long way of letting everyone know that, yes, I am an old person with some lame-o old person opinions, but I’m also aware of the situation and I support the kids liking their new things, however frightening they may be to me. If I ever say something that you feel is putting you down in the manner of “things were better back in the day, you kids don’t understand” then please do not hesitate to call me out with a curt “go to bed, old man.”


I have to hang my Star Wars-loving head in shame because it took me this long to finally get around to Andor (It was a busy month, and Halloween-related entertainment has been the balm of choice.) But get around to it, I did, and I am absolutely riveted. I started Friday Night and I’m 7 episodes in now. It’s a different kind of Star Wars, but a really fascinating one. I don’t know where the story is going (Although I know about where it has to end), but I’m enjoying the ride.


I can’t wait to start Andor, but I’m in the middle of 4 other shows at the moment and I need to wrap one of those up first. I’ve only got a couple more eps of Cobra Kai, then I should start Andor. I’m so stoked about it…I’m actually more excited for it than I was for Obi-Wan, which is weird. :laughing: