Happy Holidays To One And All!

My wife got me this sweatshirt, once again making me reflect on what a truly and undeservedly lucky man I am.

Happy holidays, everybody.


That’s so very cool Archer. Your a lucky man indeed

See, I even had to look that up, no idea if that was quote or what. Just sailed over my head (but thank you, and yes, it was sooooo good and succulent… and it was paid for using a legitimate credit card)

So, you peed and pooped on the floor in his stead, to show solidarity.


Wow! :exploding_head: Just logged back on after dealing with several days of car trouble, and (Fortunately not involving me.) family drama, and saw a ton of new posts. That just made MY holidays and demonstrates just how frakking awesome MSTies are. :heart: Thanks folks, and a happy New Year one and all!