Introduce yourselves here!

Me, on the other hand? I am making fun of Twitter users. Of which I certainly am not one. No sirree. Never touch the stuff.


I currently know how to do the following things:

@discobot start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@discobot roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@discobot quote

:left_speech_bubble: We choose our destiny in the way we treat others. ā€” Wit

@discobot fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it

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Forgot to sign up for this forum when it came in a backer update over the summer! Well, better late than never!

Name is Colin! Iā€™m a MSTie from New Jersey! Been a lifelong fan ever since I first saw the show on the Sci-Fi channel as a kid, and MST3K holds the honor of being my last two live shows prior to COVID hitting NJ and everything locking down.

A few of my favorite episodes of MST3K from each of the eras are Mitchell, Overdrawn at the Memory Bank, and Cry Wilderness.


Hi, just call me J. Iā€™ve been a MSTie since season 11 came out and decided to watch the show out of curiosity. And now Iā€™m hooked, haha.


You arenā€™t going to flashy-thing us, are you J?


Hi J! I hope youā€™re enjoying plenty of the back catalog, or will when the Gizmoplex opensā€¦


Hmmmmmm, an ever lengthening username, huh? But will it be able to compete with TISCWSLABMUZ? :woman_zombie:


Iā€™ll reach my true form if the forum ever allows longer names. I wanted to go with the last names of each host, but I couldnā€™t put in Connor, so the initials will have to do!


Well, youā€™ve got a certain sweater beat already. (If you started with season 11, it may be a spoiler to mention which sweater. Iā€™ll let the course of your original run catching up inform your funny bone instead.)


Long time listener, first time caller!

Saludos desde Puerto Rico! Been a fan of MST3K since sometime in the 90s when I caught a late night rerun of an episode on Comedy Central.

Hadnā€™t really had a chance to dive into the forum, but Iā€™m ready now, baby!


Just donā€™t dive into the pool in The Lounge.

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Iā€™m Josh, I supported the last MST3K revival on Kickstarter. I got into MST3K about 8 years ago, after watching the MST3K movie on demand one day. Iā€™d seen clips and heard a little about it growing up but never got into it, until my 20ā€™s.


Welcome to the forum Josh!


Hello World!

Iā€™m Jen:parrot:.
Iā€™m from Canada, but moved to the U.S. in 2017, first to St. Louis, but now live in Michigan.
I speak Canadian English but can comprehend American English fairly well.

My interests include: ascii art, attack monkeys, beer, birds, Bridge, bubble tea, coins, computers, genealogy, geography, Halloweā€™en, Legend of Zelda, Legos, lilies, Marvin the Martian, mini golf, moutain biking, NES, penguins, programming, stickers, tiki drinks, Trivial Pursuit, & Tetris, among others. I used to really like to travel too, back when that was a thing. My favourite colour is Orange.

I enjoy watching MST3k with my husband, whoā€™s probably around here somewhere.
See my profile for fave episode & bot.

ā†³ :film_projector: Nice to meet you all :beer: .



Hey! Someone else who knows how to properly spell Halloweā€™en!

Yes, Iā€™m easily impressed. :slight_smile:


This is something I feel strongly about. Youā€™re pretty cool. :+1:


I like how you alphabetized your interests. :smiling_face:


Hi Iā€™m Ben! Iā€™ve been watching MST since I was 13 or so when my dadā€™s friend lent us his DVD of MST3k The Movie.

Iā€™m a queer Jewish artist from Baltimore who likes animation, graphic novels, comic strips, animals of all kinds, Pokemon, MBMBaM, trivia, anime, and music

Clout-y fun fact: I know the director of Cry Wilderness. It is a blessing and a curseā€¦


Okay, I just got creeped out, because guess what Iā€™m watching RIGHT NOW:

But very cool! And welcome!


Hi, Iā€™ve been a fan for 8 years but have known of the show for years as a 41 year old xennial. I like tacos and 71 cabernet and my favorite color is magenta.