MST3K fan appreciation thread

Okay… this is a little cheesy and not totally on topic, but I just want to give a shout out to, well, ALL of you! The world is crazy, stressful, and full of insanity. But no matter what happens I can tune into my fav episode and find solace.

Knowing there’s a whole community of people out there from different places, backgrounds, ethnicities, and experiences, that share my love of the show seriously gives me hope for humanity at times.

So a round of applause to you, fellow Mistie, and some sincere gratitude for being here. I love you all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and I’d love to hear about how everyone feels about their fellow fans!


First, I’d like to thank my mom…

Seriously, though, always appreciate my fellow MST3K fans. The fact that I can throw out a random quote from any episode and you guys get it brings me joy.

Here’s to you, won’t you?


I agree, the best part of MST3K is… well the show but the SECOND best part is the fandom! :slight_smile:

A few years back I gave up on Facebook, logged out and never went back. I knew the only thing I would miss was the MST3K Revival group. It was a such a great group of folks just bonding over something wonderful and wholesome and pure. I hope this new forum will bring a bit of that back into my life!


Sure… you say you love me, but when was the last time you gave me flowers?


:bouquet: :sunflower: :rose:


Pats self on back


You’re all a bunch of nerds…

And I love you.


When I was at the Film Fest, the person sitting next to chided me for leaving my purse unattended.

“We’re in a room full of MSTies,” I responded. “Nothing’s going to happen to it.”

And nothing did.

I trust all of you, at all times and all places.


Relatedly, once my boss left a dollar on her desk to prove that the cleaning staff were trustworthy. It remained there for months.

But then, one day, she came into the office and there were two dollars on her desk.


It’s a year and a half later and I can report this forum is way better than the FB MST3K Revival League was (and the league was good! This is not a slam on the league. This is just better.)


Truly the best fanbase around!

I’m so proud to be a MSTie!


Best. Fandom. Ever.


Y’all are the best.

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I always look up whatever I’m watching, or going to watch, on IMDb. Normally, if it has a bunch of whiny reviews I know it’s going to be a good watch. This show was the only review I saw that just about everyone, accept for one person, had all given it a 10/10. I’m actually watching it right now. Even my 11 yr old finds it funny, and she doesn’t seem to find much funny at all. With the way this country/world is going right now this show is a welcome reprieve from the insanity. I can’t say much about the later ones, but I am a huge huge fan of the earlier episodes with Joel & Mike. It’s a toss-up between Mr. Bean & MST3000 as to which one is funnier. The only thing about it I didn’t always find humourous was the stuff they did during their movie breaks. But those breaks were definitely needed. Some of their riffs were so hilarious I’d laugh so hard I’d cry, and welcomed those breaks to catch my breath & compose myself for the rest of it. Definitely don’t try to eat or drink anything while watching it because there’s a really good chance you’ll either choke on your food, or inhale your drink like I almost did just yesterday morning drinking a coffee. I just about sprayed my living room with it. I think Joel was a genius for coming up with this show, and I honestly believe this show is needed more today than ever before. Sometimes when things are as bad as they are now you have to laugh to keep from crying. Or, in the case of this show, laugh so hard you cry. I can honestly say that this show has saved me. With all the loss, and horrible things in my life if it wasn’t for comedy like this I’d have lost my mind. This show gives me the strength to keep going. Just what the doctor ordered!


“A violent argument erupts over WHICH FAN is MORE APPRECIATED!!”


It’s me. I am the most appreciated. Search your feelings, you know it’s true.


But… Father said not to have any more feelings. :confounded: