Sorry. It isn't that bold.

So I’m in the Gizmoplex and I’m… a little underwhelmed so far.

I backed at the 100 level so I got a 12 month Gizmoplex pass which is nice. Plus I’ll get season 13 when it comes out which is nice. Plus I get 5 classic episodes which is nice. I guess what I didn’t realize was that getting access to the Gizmoplex only allows me to rent or buy episodes. In other words, after my membership expires, I get to pay so I can pay. Not thrilling.

What did I think the Gizmoplex would be then? I guess I figured that since you have to pay to log in, I would be able to stream MST3K episodes. I don’t know what I thought it meant that I got 5 classics; I suppose I thought that I could download them or something? I dunno. Look, I’m not that bright, okay? I’m just a simple man pining for EEGAH that’s all.

Also, I backed the first Kickstarter campaign to bring MST3K back for season 12 so I kind of feel like I should be able to access those episodes in the Gizmoplex rather than having to rent or buy them buy them, but maybe the logistics of that are too complex. Sure seems like it. I mean, two different Kickstarter campaigns and all.

Having groused about that, I am looking forward to season 13 episode 1 this Friday! I’m also looking forward to the new season. I’m ready for movie sign!


You should have access to previous purchases/rewards. If you go to your profile/account, you should see ‘Account Settings’ and in there is ‘Purchases’. Click that and you’ll see everything.


You should have access to whatever you paid for during both kickstarters. I think the team has been pretty straight forward about what we are getting the whole time as well. I was just looking for somewhere i can access my purchased content as well as the new content. With the planned events and soon to be released upgrades to the site it looks like it is only going to get better too. I am hopeful that with this new home and model they can continue to pump out content and keep this party going indefinitely. Time will tell but i plan to be here for the ride.


That added 10 more! Thanks Rowsdower! Saved the day again.


Yea dude, I’m sure they have been but like I said, I’m a simple man. Actually, easily distracted so I probably didn’t read closely enough.


You should have also received a code for a “Vault Pass” This gives you access to six additional episodes that rotate each month that you can watch as part of your Gizmoplex pass.


Oh hey, thanks @LadyShelley ! I didn’t realize the videos in Vault Pass would rotate. That’s kind of nice too.


Also there were a couple tiers in the Season 12 fundraiser. One tier got you the Blu-rays, one got you the Blu-rays plus digital copies. If, like me, you just got the Blu-rays and totally disregarded the digital stuff because there was no way to watch it on your TV at the time anyway, then you don’t have digital copies now.


The good thing about being simple, and not reading everything. Is you don’t stay underwhelmed for long! There are suprises in store for you around every corner :wink:


Ah, thank you! Psyched to know that I can check out later seasons without going through Netflix. :heart_eyes:


Yeah, between the vault pass access rotating month to month, and the special events (which i presume would continue happening between seasons), there’s always gonna be -some- content you’re getting inclusive with your pass. There’s also going to be more aspects of the Gizmoplex rolling out throughout the year (the main one i recall planned is the ability to host personal watch parties with friends).

So my hope, for me as well as all of us, is that even if it’s not starting off as bold as you expected, by the time our year passes expire, it should be extra bold.

And, of course, let’s not forget that guests can use the gizmoplex for basic archiving. That ability to rent/purchase items isn’t a perk of subscription: you could quite easily buy every available episode direct from Alternaversal without ever needing to sign up for the special perks of the GP (or, it would appear, purchase a one-time ticket for an event). So i feel like, while continual yearly subscriptions will probably keep the plex viable long term, there will also be ways for folks who maybe decide the GP isnt their bag to still maintain a guest account and simply buy the things they want a la carte.


I suppose there are all kinds of complications about rights etc that prohibit them from simply allowing us to watch EVERY SINGLE EPISODE EVER MADE for free with a membership.

That said, the rotatating Vault picks are a great idea and bonus.

I have so many classic episodes already on DVD but if i feel the need to purchase digital copies, I’d rather give my money to Joel & Co. directly anyway.

Hi Keeba!


I backed the Kickstarter to bring the show back, and that also gives me access to all of the new episodes and such, plus a few physical rewards. That’s a good deal, imo, and I’ll gladly do it again for a 14th season.


Hi Tommy!


I’m ready to sign up for Season 14 today! Just show me a Kickstarter page…


I would too you guys, I’m not bothered about the seasons. And, I’m not that bothered by the Gizmoplex anymore either. Thank you everyone for talking me through this.


HEY YOU GUYS!!! I got my wish! I put a bottle of Cowboy Mike’s Own Original Red Hot Ricochet Barbecue Sauce under my pillow and wished real hard and the MST3K fairy grated my wish! From the latest update:

Starting on MAY 6, all registered Gizmoplex users will be able to stream EVERY AVAILABLE CLASSIC EPISODE – that’s over 125 episodes from Seasons 1-10 – for free, and without ads!

I’m so happy. Thank you MST3K fairy (or fairies) or Trumpy or whoever.


Forever and ever?


Sounds like it. The update continued:

So it sounds like the way they’ll finance this is through advertising (eventually).