Suspending posters

Oh… “Beacon.” I read that as bacon at first. Bacon is way too expensive to leave on a hill right now.


Bacon will get pretty shiny if not stored properly, though.

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That’s the character played by Donald Pleasance, right?

I don’t blame you at all! No judgment here at all!


Don’t make me get out the tomato catapult, Jimmy.

[glowers threateningly]


It’s crooked!!!

twitch twitch


Coming Soon:

Supplementing Roosters (aka Chicken of Tomorrow II )

– probably meant for a side project and then shelved for years like that Venezuela thing–

I don’t know what’s going on, either. I’ve been reading through the thread, trying to figure it out. I’m glad someone else is out of the loop. :slight_smile:


Well…don’t make me bring out my downstairs neighbor!

I suppose she has some good qualities, but that woman is a loud talker!

Trust me, you don’t want me to unleash the Kraken! Nobody deserves…well…OK…people do, but you don’t deserve that, anyway!

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The other day when folks were talking about how nice and respectful it is around here, I thought “Yeah, but we’re still in the honeymoon phase” eventually, something or someone’s gonna crack.

I left a comment or two in the locked thread weeks ago, then checked out and missed the commotion. I knew that it wasn’t really a subject for me.

Banning is troubling to me, censorship is troubling to me, the shutting down of contrary ideas is trouble to me. It gives me 1984, Big Brother or “The Confession (1970)” type nightmares. I know there are lines that can’t be crossed, threats, trolling, but I appreciate Leslies approach to moderating.


I think every board can be different. Different audiences, different goals, and different styles of moderation. I think I mentioned in the “Politics: Yea or Nay” thread that the political spaces I’ve lasted on are very tightly moderated, and I wouldn’t want them any other way. They also have very specific guidelines for what’s legit to discuss and what isn’t.

I’m more bothered by spaces which promise certain rules will be enforced or that certain behaviors are okay, but then the mods don’t stand by that. Or they have a very Jr. High approach regarding who gets to do what. (“We’ll come down on you like a ton of bricks for one tiny slip-up if you’re unpopular, but our good buddy the lovable rogue we’ve known for 20 years? He gets to do whatever he wants.” Etc.)


That’a valid point, and I think not just me but most people would know what you’re talking about. You know, probably a lot of people have seen the movie Heathers!

Of course, I’m just speculating, but that might be part of the reason Leslie prefers to take a lighter hand, unless really necessary.

I don’t know how many true cliques there really are in MST3K fandom: obviously people have their favorite hosts/experiment subjects, and strong opinions about individual experiments, both in the past and knock wood in the future for at least a a bit ahead.

It is, of course, just a TV show, but it’s one most of us have spent decades watching, and doing all kinds of neat fan art and beyond, so I don’t rule out that emotions might run a bit high for some people.

The nice thing about here, IMHO, is that unlike that subreddit, many of the disagreeable people, whose handles I don’t know or remember, are constrained by the Discourse platform to avoid anti-social downvoting and all that. It’s not difficult to ignore virulent and damaged people here, anyway.

It would be a bit naïve to assume that there aren’t people who thrive on negative vibes, even here, but their abilities to express their unpleasantness are neutered, effectively.

Which is good.

Fewer problems to burden Leslie with, and fewer bad vibes in general.

    TeriG          O        moviegique
                The Loop

:slight_smile: I recognize a few people here from the Club MST3K board. I don’t think I made a royal ass of myself there more than once or twice a year. :smiley: So hopefully they don’t mind having me around.

Never went beyond lurker status on Reddit, for various boring reasons. Once in awhile I’ll get drawn into viewing something fascinating there, though. The “Ask A Historian” page is a great place to waste time when I want [yet another] excuse to lounge on the couch. :smiley:


I was hoping that this was going to be a discussion about creative ways to mount/hang our MST3K posters…


Oh well.


I don’t mind you here at all! If I’m accepted, you’ve got to be. :smiley:

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Mounted heads! Stuffed trophies! Road House!

Oh. Well, somebody could draw a picture!

It’s getting kind of funky in there…just saying…could use some sprucing up!


You, SandyFrank and GustavLongtorso should start up a conversation on that (see above) :wink:


Thank god it wasn’t just me!


You undercut the subtle nuance of my rooster joke!!! >:

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Thank god it wasn’t just me!

/me shrugs