Suspending posters

Honestly, when I first clicked on it, what I read was Suspender posters and I was trying to figure out if someone just really liked suspenders or if it was about people who wore suspenders.


Damn… Sorry …

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It was so subtle I missed it too.

Did it have something to do with roosters mounting or being mounted? Not sure if I can follow your enthusiasm for that whole weird area!

Can I get an explanation please, so I feel less stupid than usual?


I emptied 6 cans of linen scent Lysol in there just last night!



lol It’s just silly word play belatedly capped with a variation of the “red hot franks” bit from Laserblast . No worries, Folks.


Yeah, but there’s a donkey, a pig, some fragrant herbs!

Spilled bong water, I’m sure somewhere, and they know who they are…various fluids of unknown kind.

It’s bad, man!

It’s as bad as the pepper steak at Joliet!

It can be fixed, though!

We need a goat: they’ll just eat anything vaguely comestible or shiny. A few goats, so they don’t get lonely.

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Y’all are just pigs.

blackjack hookers GIF


But pigs are delicious and intelligent!

Drink some of this new liqueur I had imported, I’m just going to make a small incision.

Good as new in about six hours, might be some tenderness about the belly…we have something to take care of that…

So, just to be clear, mild cannibalism is not grounds for suspension is it? I mean, if the victim patient survives, right?

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Purple Rain No GIF

Mas queso! Mas queso!


Thanks for explaining. I really like this approach, and it’s much the same approach I’ve taken when modding elsewhere. It’s lovely to have a community where you can, for the most part, trust people to treat each other reasonably and respectfully.

Usually, if I see things heading in a bad direction, I’ll give a gentle nudge first without formally putting the mod hat on. See how that goes over, escalate gradually only as necessary. But it’s all on a case-by-case basis.

I agree that I hate banning people, even when they’ve been a constant thorn in my side. Occasionally it has been necessary, but only after they’ve repeatedly made it absolutely clear that they’re not going to follow the rules, and that their disruptive presence and negative comments are hurting the community and turning people away. (It was kind of surprising seeing how many people came out of the woodwork after the mod team stepped up to be a little more proactive in dealing with certain trolls, to say they’d gone into lurk mode because just having the constant trashing of the thing we were all there to enjoy was making the experience unpleasant and making them afraid to share their joy.)

It’s also a little different modding for an official forum than it is for a fan forum. (I’ve done both.) The official forum is here to build community and let people express themselves, just like the fan forum, but it’s also paid for by the owners of the show or whatever to help promote the thing. So there’s a little more reason to frown on the haters. At least the ones who aren’t doing so constructively.

Luckily, I haven’t seen that come up around here. Just thinking out loud, for whatever it’s worth.

I, too, hate locking threads. But, as you say, sometimes it’s just clear that leaving it open is not going to lead to anywhere good and is only going to foment stress and strife.

In the end… We’re all here to just relax. If a discussion isn’t benefiting the community, we don’t really need it. There’s plenty more to talk about.

Thanks for being open about this, for listening to the complaint, for soliciting feedback, and for trusting us to behave… well, I don’t want to say “like mature adults” when we were brought here by the inventor of the Tickle Bazooka, but you know what I mean. And thanks to everyone who has generally behaved like… the kind of people I enjoy hanging out with.

(Side note: As a couple of others had said, it had crossed my mind that we were talking about how to put art on the walls. And I know a few good methods for different situations. But when I saw which section this was in, I knew what to expect.)


You’re right! They might be pretty, but they’re lousy at suspending posters.


While I’m not one to advocate for suspensions/banning of people, I can’t help but think that it may eventually become inevitable that we’ll have to.

As @JakeGittes mentioned earlier, right now we’re in the honeymoon phase of this board, where everyone’s pretty much in agreement, more or less, and the few dissensions there are have been pretty easily stopped by simply locking the thread, even if that does lead to cessation of whatever discussion was happening. That will eventually change, and even if we don’t bring in the usually divisive topics of politics, religion, or what have you to this board, people are people and we’re all eventually going to disagree on SOMETHING to the point of degenerating into shouting matches in threads. It’s sad, but it’s true.

That being said… I do think that @KHalleron’s idea of a “three strikes and you’re out” rule might not be a bad idea, when we reach that point, although I would argue it should be closer to a “four or five strikes and you’re out” rather than three. It’s not fun and it’s not easy to ban someone, but there has to be a way to enforce the rules of the board, that we all read (hopefully) when we signed up. I would suggest, if/when it becomes necessary, that a gradually increasing suspension would get the point across; first offense, you’re given a warning, second you get a yellow card, so to speak, third offense you get suspended for a day, fourth a week, fifth a month, and after that if you cross the line yet again, then I’m sorry for you. I happen to think that most people here would recognize they crossed the line after the first strike and would moderate themselves thereafter, so the likelihood of people actually ever getting banned is very very low on this particular board. I’ve been on boards where unfortunately, due to the topics being discussed, suspensions were fairly common, although bannings were rare; most people realized when they were suspended that they’d gone too far over the line. So it can be an effective method to get people to pay attention to what they’re saying and do their best to rein in their knee-jerk reactions (although the same cannot be said for the trolls).

I do hope that we don’t quite reach that point on this board, but I think we have to face the reality that it is very likely to still happen and we need to be prepared to handle it if/when it starts up. I don’t advocate for it, as I said, but reality is reality.


The difference between a lively debate and a flamewar comes when people don’t distinguish between themselves and their opinions.

My theory is that many people subconsciously (or consciously) believe that civilization is about to collapse. They’ve seen enough Mad Max movies to know that in a post-apocalyptic society, being smart and cunning is a key to survival. Being forced to admit you are wrong about something indicates that you are not smart enough to make it, and are therefore doomed. Worse yet, you will die disrespected.

And that’s why 90% of the internet traffic that isn’t bots is mainly about being right, whether you are or not.


Well, I know I’m right about my cat being the cutest thing in the Pets thread. I just didn’t bring it up there because I’m not popular enough (yet) to force the issue. :wink:


This! Frankly, I don’t want a mutual admiration society. That is dull, boring, and forums usually die pretty quickly at that point. I want to be able to debate a topic with someone and not feel like I must agree with the majority or risk ouster.


That’s certainly something I think most people would like to see. But moderation (in both senses) is important. I was once invited to a “100% Free Speech Board” by friends. It lasted one month. I think that everyone, even when they insist otherwise, has a personal sacred cow or a taboo subject which they don’t want questioned. Eventually, somebody stumbled on the one most important to the board owner. He shut the place down with no warning. We were all kind of impressed and flabbergasted at the same time.


Which topic was this?

The one about riffs that haven’t aged well. If you think about it, it’s not surprising that the thread itself did not age well.