The Technology of MST3K

The Simulator of Love, Bones in Space, Magic Voice. Something about MST speaks to an amusement factor in all things. A wry smile on the face irony to whatever it is. The tech of MST is basic, dialed back, and functional. Because of this, it’s very approachable. What gadget or gimmick stands out? Is there a quality it has to have?


There defintely has to be a “made in a garage workshop” sort of quality. Can not be slick, or steamlined, or not look like it could fall apart with a hard glare.


A This Old House quality?


I hear that the crew of the original MST3K built that set by using hot glue to attach toys from a mail-order house to the set material (plywood probably) and covering them with paint. So what did the new crew attach to this set?


A green screen.

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All of the technology should be something that Joel could make with those special parts:


I miss it being real. I know the green screen is easier for them (and probably cheaper) and I don’t begrudge them that, but I miss the set being something they built, not just a computer generated image.


Yet I would argue there is an old school feeling to the green screen which I appreciated. That said, as I wrote elsewhere give me actual sets every time. The use of screens in Season 13 might be a new trait moving forward.

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