Themed MST3K Mini-Marathon Ideas

I know I’m disrespecting the dead big time, but now I’m imagining an all-annoying lady-voices series of

Robot Holocaust
Alien From L.A. and
Killer Fish

Of course, if I really wanted to punish myself for existing, I’d just marathon everything with John Agar in it.


Honey, I’ve watched a marathon of Roger Corman. Many of his movies feature things that can’t be put into movies these days. Glorified sex crimes, rampant drug use/ poisoning, disturbing violence, and I feel like I’m forgetting something. The ones featuring Vincent Price are family safe, if they’re as messed up as me.

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Corman’s got a lot more tonal variation than Francis had, though. If only because he turned out a lot more films.

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Watch the Toxic Avenger series in one sitting, if you’re an adult, and you’ll get what I mean about endurance. Coleman Francis is redundant in the movies I remember. I’m used to nagging. My cats were very bossy. If anything it helps me flex my sarcasm muscles.

I thought of this one while watching Devil Doll on twitch this afternoon. The “Leave Robert Denby alone”-athon. First, the three William Silvester “films” that have graced our silhouettes.

  1. Riding with Death
  2. Devil Doll
  3. Gorgo

Then Ed Nelson (Robert Denby himself) was in 5 episodes. More if you count the extended riffaverse. So to round us out to 6 total episodes in our marathon:

  1. Swamp Diamonds
  2. Night of the Bloodbeast
  3. Teenage Caveman


Tried and failed to deal with Troma, too. :confused: Even Battlefield: Earth was only doable that one time because I could still have as much booze as I wanted.

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So he wasn’t all that elusive after all…


(Just highlighting “turned out”, as if Corman didn’t produce dozens more films after MST3K was canceled and didn’t have three projects currently in the works. He makes Clint Eastwood look like a lazy nonagenarian.)

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How do you watch 13.1 miles of MST3K? Is that like the Kessel Run or something?

This is a good point. 13.1 miles o’keeffe are far easier to measure out.

Might I suggest, for the legions— legions!— of viewers who can’t decide between watching an episode of MST3K or doing a round of hide and seek, a best-of-both-worlds MST3K marathon that features long (long) sequences of characters shouting other characters’ names while looking for them? Some possible contenders:

Squirm (“Mr. Beardsley!”)
Horrors of Spider Island (“Gaaaary! Gary!”)
Eegah (“Roxy!!”), technically to a slightly lesser extent, but not with Joel and the bots’ riffing

I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting… Hercules Against the Moon Men almost makes the cut for “deep hurting,” except that there’s no repeated name-yelling in that scene. But the tedium and aimless wandering fit right in.


Would the frequent “Neil! NEEEIIIILLL!” cries from The Leech Woman also count for that one?


“Jimmah! Jimmah! Jimmah didn’t steal the bike!”


Hercules And The Captive Women does have limbo-bound Androcles calling for him a few times. Also, even before the joke about how they used to date, it was pretty obvious that they did.


Bonus content: RiffTrax Star Games and “Brian? Brian? Brian!”


Wow yes all of these are great!! This is really pushing the list into true marathon territory hahaha

Don’t forget “CABOT?.. CABOT?..”, etc. (though forgetting that may be a boon to sanity) from Outlaw.
If you count J/M/J & the bots, there’s the legendarily overdone “…Chief? McCLOUD?” from that rarely seen episode Pod People.


Hahaha who among us can forget “McCLOUD?” :joy:

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For repeated names (at least by the riffers), it’s hard to go wrong with “DOCTOR TED NELSON!” as part of The Incredible Melting Man.

And while it’s brief and all of one scene, you had the grandpa yelling “BOBBY!” repeatedly in The Creeping Terror.


They even worked one reference into It Lives By Night. When the sheriff walks into the store, Mike suddenly says, “McClod!”


Pod People was my very first episode and that running gag (even though it COMPLETELY sailed over my head at the time) just amused me so much! :smiley: