Video quality of digital episodes

Good discussions and I’ll just toss in here re. captions – a lot of us weirdos would be more than happy to spend our weekends or evenings or all of our vacation typing up captions for episodes which don’t have them – or QAing captions that have already been proposed – and uploading submissions in whatever formats y’all wanted. It’s that kind of fandom.

(And along those lines – speaking of the “mandated” captions that appear on some of the streaming episodes – how many of you have shared my experience of reading captions which COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT! and got the riff/joke reference ALL WRONG!! and then you SCREAMED AND SCREAMED AT YOUR TELEVISION . . . .!!
Ahem. What I mean is, having the opportunity to contribute captions and corrections to captions would be very welcome. What do you think, sirs and madams/clones of same?)