Whamageddon... are you surviving? (Now in 2023!)

I just realized this @Brina… You’re one of the Mads and this whole Topic/thread is you’re “today’s experiment”! I just realized this because, while I hadn’t heard the song much at the time of my original response post, and not really since, I HAVE been singing the song around the house for days!!! (Experiment: Pose the question of sanity subtley, re: a topic that drives subjects insane; thereby making said subject aware of the topic in a manner as not to put the subject on the defensive; thereby, allowing said topic to infiltrate said subject’s brain & fester there. Result: insanity.)

Well played. :rage::rofl::+1:


Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?


Oh no, my diabolical plan has been exposed. :rofl:

I didn’t know this would happen!!!


I lost last Thursday but it was for a good cause. A charity I support was having a live stream of “Last Christmas” with Emilia Clarke & Henry Golding and there are numerous versions in the movie including an original. But it was fun and we all knew it was coming. :smiley:


Four days to go and I’m still in the hunt.

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I lost on the 15th in a physical therapy clinic. I had a narrow scrape with a cover version earlier, but I guess the doctors pay for the good stuff!

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I got lucky, because my workplace didn’t turn on the holiday music until the 13th. I think I heard the song a few days later. I actually don’t hate that one. There are so many worse: Mary Did You Know (Holy condescension, Batman!), Wonderful Christmastime, War is Over, that inane “whoopdie-do” crap already mentioned, the version of “Hallelujah” rewritten to be about Jesus, the song from that lousy Grinch movie…
I mean, good ones exist. We do also get Bing Crosby, Elvis, and Dolly Parton. But the bad ones? Yeesh.


Also (and I am definitely not an expert but) I think it’s literally heresy and maybe blasphemy? At least, my understanding was that the whole point of Mary was that she DID know and she took on the burden anyway.


I’ve migrated to a new circle of hell; an orchestral instrumental of Last Christmas has bedevilled my work days this week.

Does it count if it’s a nice shoegazy cover by a Japanese noise band?

See if you can get transferred to this circle:

Yeah, every time I hear it, I picture someone singing it at Mary, and her trying to interject: “Well, yes, actually I-“ “Uh, as I was saying, the angel-“ “Did you even read the book?!”


The Christmas Music Season has officially ended in my neck of the woods, and I am happy to report my 16 confirmed Whamaggedon kills. There are benefits to entering Whamhalla early!


I am happy to say I made it through the season without a single hearing of “Last Christmas” or the Lennon version of “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)”… though I did catch a few bars of somebody’s cover of the Lennon one.

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I lost about two days before Christmas.

The thing is, it’s such a good song that I’m not actively trying to avoid it. It just plays out that way.


I almost made it – got ambushed by “Last Christmas” at a Sonic drive-in about a week ago.

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I made it! I won!



Made it!

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I think I made it too, but I might have heard an instrumental of the wham. It was only vaguely reminiscent of the wham, so maybe I don’t turn into red dust immediately and have to wait a couple days. Not looking forward to the helicopter ride.

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