What riffed movie deserves a remake?

I feel like Toho would block that. They don’t have much of a sense of humor or general sense of fun.

Personally, I thought the 90s Gamera movies were way better than the 90s Godzilla movies. They actually made the Gamera character interesting.

Love The Day The Earth Froze. I was alive when they ised to say the next ice age was just around the corner.

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First Spaceship to Venus

If we can find another accordion magician for the starring role, we can remake Daddy-O.

My answer to questions like this is always gonna be Humanoid Woman. Such a fascinating story!


I’m throwing in for The Touch of Satan. Quicker dialogue delivery, modern makeup and special effects… I’d watch it anyway.


The screaming skull. It has the potential to be a better gaslight than gaslight.

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I would too, especially if there was a better house for the fish, and a soundtrack that wasn’t just Amazing Grace.

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