What's Going On at Work?

ROACHES!? I’m not even freaked out that much by roaches, but WHY?

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Gotta feed them thar pet reptiles and amphibians :yum:


Ugh… Our old post office has had a leak for years and No roofer seems to be able to fix it. It just so happens to be very near a city carrier’s cage (for large parcels) that’s a chronic complainer, so she comes to me wanting me to do something about it. Despite me telling her that I can’t stop the leak, she huffs off saying she’s not getting dripped on getting her parcels! :man_facepalming: The cage is on wheels! Just pull it out of the lineup and roll it out to the dock! And besides, It’s raining outside anyway so no matter what, you’re gonna get dripped on :man_shrugging:


Last night, some dumb@$$ parked a mail truck in a spot for local drop-offs which is right next to where the semi tractor trailer backs in to unload the days mail and parcels.
Well, they parked so close that the truck driver caught the side view mirror and folded it through the corner glass behind the windshield! Now theirs glass inside and outside the mail truck, and it’s not safe to drive now.
Idiots :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I am sitting here killing time…I don’t really have much more works to do. I’m already ahead for tomorrow…so just farting around until 1600. :notes: :notes: La la la…doobeedoo! :notes:


I have also been farting most of the afternoon, and it has nothing to do with how caught up I am or not.

Oh wait, you said farting around. That’s something completely different.


Work starts next week… Already got onboarding scheduled and a laptop on the way.

The downside of getting a job is that then you’re expected to log in and work and stuff.


Yesterday I created a delivery with Boeing as the recipient. Again they were the recipient and not where I work.


So these severe storms we got yesterday and overnight knocked out the power at both the Charlotte Postal DC as well as the new postal mega-center in Gastonia NC. There are trucks that haven’t been unloaded from last night and our truck driver is still in a holding pattern.
If nothing is brought in from either location today, then Friday, Saturday, & Monday are going to be horrible on the clerks and carriers! :open_mouth:

11am update: still no power and managers from those plants are relocating to regional post offices, including ours for zoom meetings. Not looking good.
Meanwhile, the carriers went out to deliver what packages they had for their routes and returning to go home.

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Power was apparently restored late last night to the postal DCs overnight…
Our postal truck driver didn’t have a lot of parcels from the first run early this morning but the second run was pretty full after they managed to call in the 3rd shift workers.
Still, it’s a payday weekend as well as mother’s day Sunday so there’s a good chance for a lot of call-outs, which means they probably won’t get caught up on the back log until next week.

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So back to the redneck custodian sage…
Apparently, he was given a stern talking to and he seems to have straightened up… for now. He’ll be fine for a while (maybe a week or two) then he’ll go right back to his petty immature ways till he PO’s my coworker again, and then the cycle will repeat itself :roll_eyes:

So we had a food drive on Saturday where the carriers went around picking up donated foods while on their routes. Apparently, we had a pretty good haul as it’s still sitting on the dock this Monday morning… I guess they didn’t come to pick it up over the weekend like they usually do in the past :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Then I go on the dock to bring in the mail and parcels dropped off this morning and the senior clerk that’s retiring in July snaps at me that she left it out on the dock for a reason because she feels overwhelmed… Ok, but it’s a safety issue leaving it on the dock and there’s plenty of room inside to stage it for distribution :man_shrugging:
You knew that we were going to get slammed because of last weeks power outage at the plant so this should be no surprise, but here I am helping you out a little and this is the response I get??
Remember folks, no good deed ever goes unpunished :roll_eyes:

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Learning about Good Clinical Practice.



A person with their knees on fire may beg you to give them your rectangle. Remember, the rectangle is very valuable to your company. Do not give it to the burning person.



Some ‘temporary’ good news related to my job at the USPS…


Do not fat-shame people who are wide in the hips. You will go to Hell.


First thing Tuesday morning I met up with the postal truck driver because he wanted to buy a cordless impact wrench I had just finished reviewing. Told him it retails for $120. I’d sell it to him for $80. He brings me $60. I told him that we agreed on $80 but he insisted that we agreed on $60. It was raining so I told him I would let this slide but from now on I will text him the price so there’s no miscommunication. I could have easily sold it online for $100 and after shipping costs and ebay fees, I’d have pulled in $80-$85. I’ll note this one for future reference…
Then i get inside and my coworker starts telling me about her step son’s drama with his mom and mother’s day plans that fell through due to miscommunication and I’m trying to go about my daily routine, and she follows me rambling on about the family drama! :man_shrugging:
Then I have to pump up a couple tires on mail trucks in the rain, and then setup that computer station from before i went on vacation last month for a third supervisor on the workroom floor…
It’s only 10am and I’m ready to go home :face_exhaling:


And then my coworker was on the phone with her stepson for at least 2 hours! At least she’s not bothering me :+1: I’m busy doing my stuff so I’m set to go home when the time comes.

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I’m off for a day and it’s like they couldn’t wait until I got back!
Had to take a ride along jump seat out of 1 mail truck and install it into another, then tried to link up a new Zebra label printer to a supervisor’s computer but the program software refuses to link to the new printer, so she will need to contact the help desk to get them to figure it out (because my authorization is not a high enough level for access).

And there’s this business on my route that’s trying to ship these long boxes that are over our max of 108", not to mention they are grossly under the weight that’s posted on the shipping label… They’re trying to ship these 8 ft long boxes with a shipping weight of only 4 oz. They actually weigh closer to 25 lbs!
They’ve tried this a few different times and have been caught each time! They are basically attempting to commit mail fraud by continuously doing this and if they don’t, the postal inspectors will get involved which could lead to a shipping ban with the USPS!