What's Going On With Your Weather?

Raining here, and pouring on my sister in Marin county. We agree that it is about time; but too much at once can get ugly.


Raining like mad thanks to a nor’easter. It’s a combination of water and leaves. So many leaves.


Right now? Rain, wind, and falling leaves. That’s it.


We have a couple of really stupid ducks, because don’t ask. Right now they’re snoozing. In a rapidly growing puddle in the back yard. Which is flooding, because nor’easter. If they float away (oh pleeease oh please), the collective IQ of the neighborhood will jump dramatically.



Looks like rain most of the day today here in the Carolinas.
It’s been pretty dry here for the most part so we could use it.
Halloween looks to be sunny and a spooky 70 degrees :ghost:

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Our first real cold snap of the season moves in tonight with a forecast low of 33 :cold_face:


Got a storm off the Carolina coast bringing in cool blustery winds out of the northeast.
If it was colder and a little closer to the coast, this would possibly make for a nice snow storm :cold_face:

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A sweltering 14*F and clear skies. Perfect weather tonight for t-shirts, bonfires, and hypothermia.


It’s snowing. We had a 20% chance of snow tonight and it’s snowing. We got a pretty good little dumping. Looks like about an inch. My brother and his family are visiting from Arizona and my niece was so excited that she went outside, made a snowball and took a picture of it. :slight_smile:


It’s cold enough here in the Carolinas for snow but alas… Clear skies with a low of 25 :cold_face:


Our predicted high for tomorrow is 32.


That’s the high for Turky Day for me as well.

Today was around 45*, very little wind.
Overcast, but otherwise a very nice day for the time of year.


Here in Central VA we’re supposed to get up to 60F for Turkey day. We had a warm fall until the last couple weeks when it all went a way and got cold - I keep waking up to 30F or less, 25 yesterday, I think? But 60 tomorrow. Why not?


60 Sounds nice. Plus you have the day off I’m sure so you can enjoy it so that’s always good.

I’m slightly jealous, but no worries I won’t pull the ol’ switcheroo and have you abducted from your bed in the middle of the night and placed in mine, before I crawl into your bed then upon waking up in the morning sucessfully swapping lives and thus taking over yours no fuss no muss. If I learned anything from any of the American Dad Thanksgiving episodes I’ve seen, is that it won’t work no matter how much I’d like it to. No offense meant I assure, I just sincerely and severely hate the cold.


Temperatures are warming into the 60s and 70s the rest of the week. Very little rain in our forecast with the drought continuing… Reports of forest fires across the Carolinas is increasing.
Drug my tropical plants outside to get some sun and went ahead and watered them to hold them over for a while.


The big storm we had Oct 24 (we got 4.5" of rain in 24 hours here) appears to be all of the rain we’re gonna get this year. And possibly for the rest of time.

It’s like it always is in winter in California: 70 degrees and sunny. I describe it as “Nice weather, we’re all gonna die.”


We’ve had a couple of inches of snow in the valleys. Mountains are getting a bit more, but this is a concerning start to our snowy season. Idaho could be in real trouble next year if we don’t get a lot of snow this season. We pretty much emptied all the reservoirs in the southeast part of the state.

There is some indication that we could have more snow this winter, but it remains to be seen whether or not it will pan out.


We had a dump of snow then nothing but semi-warm weather and the occasional bit of rain.

The weather is supposed to dip down to normals by the weekend, then who knows maybe more snow?


It snowed the night before last, then last night was like 15*, earlier was so/so out but I took an afternoon nap today and woke up to it 43* and raining for Dec 1st in Central Wisco.

Not normal weather here if you dunno the area.