What's YOUR Problem? A Thread for Griping Part 3

That, I don’t remember, but I’d swear that it’s a riff from that movie?

Either the Aniki boat kidnap scene, or something to do with the winds?

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No, it was definitely a West Side Story riff.

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Oh, I misunderstood which song you were talking about.


[Sung.] Torgo … I just met a fellow named Torgo …
A paraphrase of the song “Maria” from the musical West Side Story. Actual lyrics: “Maria, I’ve just met a girl named Maria/And suddenly the name will never be the same to me/Maria! I’ve just kissed a girl named Maria/And suddenly I’ve found how wonderful a sound can be.”


It’s an early version of West Side Story. Uhh, I just met a girl named “Uhh.”
A paraphrase of the song “Maria” from the musical West Side Story . Actual lyrics….


It was the latter I was thinking of. Thanks.


Yeah, well Marie’s the name of his latest flame.

My gripe is I can’t figure out what I wanna do when I grow up.
I am 50


I’m fifty numf. Let’s all quit life and eat sugar and run around and break stuff.


I would have never guessed that?

Sorry for either being very wrong or misunderstanding the question… or a bit of both?

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They call me Dr. John, also known as the night tripper.


Someone is wrong on the internet!

That must be fixed immediately! :sweat_smile:

I feel ya. The lack of jobs in my specialism has left me in a bit of a “well… now what?” state, doing whatever random, semi-related work is available.


Some people call this guy all kinds of stuff:


I received a pair of outdoor lights for an Amazon review and they arrived broken. Told the vendor I received the outdoor lights but they arrived broken and the box heavily damaged and sent him pics. Told him that I cannot review them because they are too damaged. Sent a followup email saying It looks to me like these were an Amazon return sent from the Amazon Warehouse… The amount of time it took for these lights to arrive to me (nearly 2 weeks), and then they arrived damaged/destroyed upon receipt, I no longer wish to review them. Tell the seller that they do not need to send a replacement pair as I have a lot of other product reviews to work on.
He responded: If one light is broken, can you just install the other light? If both lights are broken, can you do an unboxing video? I reply, They’re both broken… Why do an unboxing with pieces of glass falling out of the box?? That makes no sense! Ok sure! I’ll do an unboxing of a pair of broken outdoor lights that are perfectly destroyed! I Highly recommend them! WTF :man_shrugging:


I’ve watched Cave Dwellers more times than a lot of other episodes.


Been there. Entirely for money. Why do I want this money? Well, I give a lot of it to various banks. This feels like a trick, played maybe so that we don’t rob banks. I’m poor, I should rob that bank, but instead I will do this ridiculous gig economy dance and give money to the bank, because who has time to rob a bank or go to jail? This is jedi mind trick stuff.


Gripe: My brain is simply not braining today. Notably the “for money” part.


Yep, and it’s Friday and I just want quiet and people keep coming to me with stuff! :tired_face:


I’m poking it with a stick in the form of a hippie speedball. I actually need to scare up a design before I can call it the weekend.


My poop schedule is all messed up.

It’s supposed to be wakeup, poop, shower. But this week, it has been wakeup, shower, and poop sometime in the afternoon.

I find this unacceptable, and efforts to restore normality are ongoing.


Sounds like a :poop: y sitiation right there


I hate when poop o’clock gets rescheduled.


That’s… not something I needed to read.