What's YOUR problem? A thread for griping.

I intend to get old in the gaudiest, tackiest manner possible.

It’s better to burn out than fade away.


There’s also the Peel Trident, the car that boldly says, “Sun? What’s Sun?”


I fear the day something happens to my truck. It’s paid for (always the best feature). But like I said, it’s a manual transmission, and you just can’t find manuals in the States anymore. There are a few (I think the Tacoma still makes a manual gearbox)

It’s also ultra-low emission (so there :stuck_out_tongue: ) and even though it’s sixteen years old, it barely registers on the emissions tests. It’s four-wheel drive, so snow and mountain driving aren’t an issue.

Yeah. I love my truck.


When I win the lottery I’m gonna build one of these

Like this guy:

My complaint is that I haven’t won the lottery. Also I don’t play the lottery.


Still too big!

Maybe this one…



I call mine The Batcar. Those eyebrows look familiar?


Aarrghhhh! The Tour de France is emailing spoilers this year!


That’s bad but the good news is it’s a gripe, we were in danger of becoming the car thread :wink:


In and out of BWI to Ft Meade and the Harbor and that gigantic hotel/mall bidness, yeah. Beltway driving compares, in that 90mph-to-dead-stop-lane hopping behavior, but Massholz are douchier, and more willing to take your life in their hands.


Sometimes my Jeep vexes me…

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It wasn’t a rental, it was a loaner from the dealer while my car was being fixed. I asked if they had anything smaller, but they didn’t. I can’t imagine how driving that thing would entice anybody to buy one.


Back to general griping- it sucks that I have to work today and then get tomorrow off and it sucks more that I have to stay up late tomorrow to take my daughter to see fireworks in the sticky heat and then go back to work the next day. And it sucks even more that I have a colonoscopy the day after that.


Yeah I gotta work Monday as well. Got screwed out of a 4-day July 4 holiday weekend…
Today is my 5th anniversary and I couldn’t be off work, but I will be leaving at 12pm whether they like it or not :angry:


Oof. I had a sigmoidoscopy years ago, and you have my sympathy.


I’ll be unconscious for it, so I don’t really care about that part. It’s the prep. Liquid only (can’t be red or blue) all day before, then a ton of laxatives that evening, plus possibly having to get up in the middle of the night because I’m supposed to take even more six hours before the procedure, but they’re not going to let me know what time the procedure is until the day before.


Yeah that prep crap is the worst part of the whole thing…
I’m not due for a while after the last two 5-year colonoscopy checks. The doctor said I don’t have to have another one for 10 years but I plan on having my 4th one done next year because of the family history on my mom’s side :persevere:


Letterboxd is going down the toilet, and it’s because they’ve shackled themselves to TMDB (a film database). I was working on a list titled “The Birth of Cinema” based on this guy’s wonderful website and this page in particular.

But I had to stop because TMDB removed Eadweard Muybridge, EVERYTHING from Muybridge - now I won’t bore you with the specifics of the debate and such- but I wrote a very calm, but impassioned letter to TMDB imploring them to reverse this decision (and others like it, where they’ve removed movies) saying that they (TMDB, IMDB, etc) are part of film preservation. It’s not only about saving the movies, but the names and histories behind them.

Their response. “I disagree” - seriously, that’s all you can come up with? And what are you disagreeing with, that you’re a database, or that your part of preserving history? I wrote Letterboxd, nothing, no help whatsoever (but you know, their “good friends” at TMDB helped them put together their porn section, so golly gee, that’s special… screw Muybridge! And after that who else disappears, Reynaud, Marey, Le Prince? Hell lets destroy all records of the Lumière brothers while we’re at it, who needs them, we saved pornography!)

Thankfully there are other places, other people, who are saving this history, but this is my personal film history, my record they are erasing. Plus, it’s maddening to ALWAYS be so powerless! Jesus, can I get a f’n win, somewhere, somehow? Even a little one like this?


I understand why you’re angry about them removing Muybridge, that’s totally justified, but I think it is also justified to save and archive porn. All media is a reflection of the society it was created in and can teach academics new things. That includes porn.

The Kinsey Institute for sexual research was in the town where I grew up and we were friends with their librarian. Honestly, when you get over the titillation and/or ick factor, the history of pornography is fascinating.

Did you know that they used to distribute stickers to put on the racier parts of porn movie posters so they could be displayed on public signs? Including lace to put over low-cut outfits and hats to put over phallic imagery.


Agreed, I think you save it, preserve and catalog the entirety of it, unsavory or not, it’s part of the history. It just pissed me off that, that’s the priority, lets save this, but not that.

Let’s delete this industrial film but save that one (which is another side to it, I put a lot of time and effort researching one short film, and adding it to the database, only to have them remove it a week later… the Hormel short can stay, but the one about coffee cannot. We’ll allow the 1931 short promoting tea, but the 1961 piece about the now defunct Gilbert toy company, nope, gone) it’s so flipping arbitrary.


Right, I get it. And Muybridge is pretty damn important.