Would anyone be interested in a MST3K forum music league?

I’m in a couple music leagues. Every week there’s a theme, and the members pick a song to fit the theme. A Spotify playlist is generated (you do need to be a Spotify user). People have a few days to listen to the playlist and then vote.

I was thinking there could be some fun themes, like “Songs referenced in a riff,” “Funny songs,” and “Songs referencing a movie.”

Would anyone be interested in doing a league? And what suggestions would you make for playlist themes?

Here’s a bit more info on Music League:


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I suggest starting a list of songs. Final Sacrifice had We Will Rock You (WWRY). Werewolf had a bunch during the end credits. Toobular Boobular Joy is to the tune of Bippity Boppity Boo. Who Will I Kill is to the tune of When You Wish Upon a Star. Space Mutiny has some. If I was more awake I could come up with more.
Once people have an idea what to expect they might be more into it. I think you mentioned movies. That list would be huge and a bit difficult. Many references now are over people’s heads. Like how many Millennials get the Rocky and Bullwinkle references in Fugitive Alien?