419. The Rebel Set (1959)

I think this might be the most underrated episode of the whole C.C. era. The movie is just absurd enough to inspire some prime riffing, and yet it’s still quite watchable. Its major flaw is probably its open contempt for every female character major or minor. But that’s unfortunately kinda’ like complaining when days of the week end in a “Y.” At least they all live. :man_shrugging:


I really like this episode. From the short to the movie to the host segments it all comes together nicely. I could have sworn I’ve talked about this episode before on the forum but either way I love it.

I actually enjoyed the movie itself to buy an unriffed version on DVD


Here’s something I discovered recently while poking around on IMDB. I hope it amuses you as much as it amuses me.

The ditzy waitress in Edward Platt’s joint is portrayed by an actress named Vikki Dougan. She was a minor celebrity in the late Fifties and early Sixties because of the somewhat risqué dresses that she wore, which were backless almost all the way down to her “gluteal cleft” (to quote IMDB). The year after The Rebel Set was released, she married a guy who was also in the acting profession. (The marriage only lasted three years.) Her ex-husband was also in a MSTed movie. I encourage you to visit IMDB and find out who he is, and what episode he was in.

If you don’t want to bother with that, here’s the info under a spoiler blur: His name is James R. Sweeney, and he played the old security guard in Hobgoblins. Weird, huh?


Gleau T.L. Cleft is my new online scam-the-lonely-old-dudes-out-of-their-money name.


Wow, I never caught that was The Back herself. There’s always something new to spot in an episode of MST3K.

That’s my new drag name.


:notes: “You’ve got the looks, I’ve got the brains… Let’s make lots of money.” :notes:


One interesting fact is I loved how Gypsy’s the only one who succeeded in “meeting Merritt stone’s approval” with the train problem she recited:
Gypsy: (slowly) “A train leaves a station at 2PM, going 90 miles an hour. Another train leaves another station going the opposite direction at 5PM going 60 miles an hour. How long before they meet?”
Joel: Oh, Gypsy, that is everything great literature should be. According to Merritt Stone.
Tom: (offscreen) HE’S NOT MERRITT STONE!