Amazing Colossal MST3K Trivia Challenge Page 10

  1. Which of these ingredients can be found in Pearl’s pickle recipe?
  • A. kerosene
  • B. Liquid Plumr
  • C. Windex

0 voters

  1. Which stage magician did Crow get his cannon escape trick from?
  • A. Teller
  • B. David Copperfield
  • C. Lance Burton

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  1. Which Welcome Back, Kotter character did Mike accidentally turn Crow into during his maintenance check-up?
  • A. Epstein
  • B. Barbarino
  • C. Horshack

0 voters

  1. What movie served as the basis of a child care product designed by Dr. Forrester?
  • A. Rosemary’s Baby
  • B. Home Alone
  • C. Alien

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  1. What band did Joel intend to model the arachnid-themed Spidorr on?
  • A. Kiss
  • B. Yes
  • C. The Monkees

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  1. What did Jonah propose as being the true identity of the monsters in Killer Fish?
  • A. The Loch Ness Monster
  • B. The Snorks
  • C. A razor wielding octopus

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  1. Which of these is NOT a variety of Dr. Forrester’s Mace Mousse?
  • A. Satan’s Jockstrap
  • B. Essense of Detroit
  • C. Eau de Calumet Harbor

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  1. What canonized saint did Mike initially request as the prosecutor in the trial for his planet killing spree?
  • A. Thomas Aquinas
  • B. Therese of Lisieux [but she was working a racketeering case for the Bronx D.A.]
  • C. Elizabeth Ann Seton

0 voters

  1. Which of these did Crow as Willy the Waffle NOT specify as being impossible if there were no waffles?
  • A. The ratification of the Constitution
  • B. Little League baseball
  • C. The downfall of the Soviet Union

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  1. What is the muzzle velocity of Dr. Forrester’s Breakfast Bazooka?
  • A. 2000 ft./s
  • B. 2400 ft./s
  • C. 2800 ft./s

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  1. When Tom temporarily became an Observer, what item did he carry around in his brain pan?
  • A. An olive
  • B. A marshmallow
  • C. A walnut

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  1. What monster would Tom want as a friend?
  • A. Nidhogg
  • B. Baba Yaga
  • C. Medusa

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Amazing Colossal MST3K Trivia Challenge Page 11 - MST3K Central - Mystery Science Discourse 3000