Amazing Colossal MST3K Trivia Challenge Page 7

  1. What is the best selling desert at the kaiju restaurant T.G.I. Tokyo’s?
  • A. The Chocolate Towering Inferno
  • B. The Apple Double Murder Suicide Torte
  • C. The Vanilla Cross Country Killing Spree with Fudge Sauce

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  1. What does Crow try to convince gullible kids into believing that mucilage tastes like?
  • A. Chocolate
  • B. Bubble gum
  • C. Honey

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  1. In what style did Tom perform his tribute to Gamera?
  • A. Wagnerian opera
  • B. Beatnik free verse
  • C. Gangsta rap

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  1. Which of these books does Joel recommend for further information on the Scopes Monkey Trial?
  • A. The Chimpanzees of Gombe
  • B. Journey to the West
  • C. Curious George Rides a Bicycle

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  1. Which of these is NOT a flavor of Mighty Jack Dog Food?
  • A. Cat
  • B. Mailman
  • C. Burglar

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  1. Which of these charges was NOT leveled against Jonah in the People’s Throwing Court?
  • A. Poorly impersonating Tom Jones
  • B. Lounging around in Cheez-Whiz stained underwear
  • C. Always insisting on playing Jenga

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  1. When Pearl left Crow in charge on her night out, what punishment did he threaten the others with if they didn’t go to bed when told to?
  • A. Getting loogies dangled over the face while pinned down
  • B. Being locked in the basement with the lights off
  • C. Having a hand stuck in the garbage disposal

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  1. Which of these Caucasian actors did Crow NOT object to portraying a non-Caucasian?
  • A. Marlon Brando in Tea House of the August Moon
  • B. Joey Bishop in Sergeants Three
  • C. Frank de Kova on F Troop

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  1. What celebrity chef did Mike become in one of Magic Voice’s alternate realities?
  • A. Jeff Smith
  • B. James Beard
  • C. Emeril Lagasse

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  1. Where did Mike acquire an alternate universe manual?
  • A. In Boy Scouts
  • B. At VoTech
  • C. Working at a cheese factory

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  1. What game were Mike and the Bots playing when they were visited by Torgo the White?
  • A. Monopoly
  • B. Risk
  • C. Stratego

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  1. Which of these was NOT a nickname Joel and the Bots came up with for the Robot Holocaust plant guy?
  • A. Guacamole Wilson
  • B. Mr. Green Bean Jeans
  • C. Limbless Mucus-Encrusted Avacado Man

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Amazing Colossal MST3K Trivia Challenge Page 8 - MST3K Central - Mystery Science Discourse 3000