Anyone Else Ever See...

I have a quote around here somewhere from him that goes something like “Tell the people it’s good. It’s pretty good. It’s better than The Illustrated Man. That thing was D.O.A.”

My father always marveled how a man who had spent 35 years angrily protesting television could have a TV show.

In Bruges…I think that was the first of McDonough’s movies I saw. I generally like them a lot.

I unreservedly love the one with Clayton Forrester, though it is in no wise an adaptation.

Bram Stoker wrote something along those lines, too, at the end of his life, The Lady of the Shroud. It starts as gothic horror and goes Sci-Fi and geopolitical. Way beyond the scope of anything he’d written up to that point and he very nearly pulls it off.

It’s a saucy remake of Forbidden Planet. Saucier, I mean.

No, not soley, dammit!

Aired every other month when I was a kid.

Yeah, me, too, pretty much every single time.

Has sat on my home media server since I saw it in…2006. (Well, shortly after that, since I had to wait for it to come out on video.)