Anyone interested in foreign sports?

This is a difficult question, since US sports are foreign for me.
So yeah, I guess American Football or Basketball would be interesting to me… :slight_smile:

Speaking of which, WHY do they call it the World Series if it’s only US teams?

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I enjoy watching Curling whenever I can find it on. I find it a oddly relaxing sport, despite all the yelling. It’s actually the one sport I look forward to most when the Winter Olympics is on.

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There is still one team in Canada (Toronto BlueJays). Other than that, no idea. :slight_smile:

I enjoy curling as well. It’s not as chaotic as some sports.

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Nobody else was playing it when they invented it.

Something a little different, again.

So when I was in Australia many moons ago, there was in international NetBall tournament going on. I recognized it, because I’m also very old, as what we used to have to play as ‘girl’s rules’ basketball.

It’s pretty lame and we were all glad when they started letting girls play ‘real’ basketball, but apparently in other countries women play the lame version competitively.

Were they not competing before?

I remember Netball from my school days, seeing a bunch of cold, miserable girls on an outside court, plainly looking like they’d rather be anywhere else and playing a desultory game.
Top-level Netball is something else. Very fast, skilful and action-packed. It’s been through a recent period of huge growth, and is very much worth a watch. The game does seem to have its main strength in the Commonwealth countries, with Australia, New Zealand, England and Jamaica being the main contenders.

I have come across that