Are you vaccinated?

Got my second dose end of May, huzzah. Trying to convince my mom that just because she had COVID last year, it’s not like measles, it doesn’t mean she has immunity now and she still needs to get vaccinated…

Frustrated Head GIF by swerk


Done and done. Got my second jab on 3/24.


Fully vaccinated since March…and if I didn’t live in Texas, that would mean something.

Seriously though, I’m glad I got to do my part. I’m still wearing a mask inside too.


Excited Oh Yeah GIF


My husband and I both got Pfizer. Total side effects: first dose, nothing. Second dose, I felt a little muscle achy for one day and my husband felt fine. That’s it. The whoooole list of side effects.

Even if I’d been bedridden for a week it would still beat the heck out of any Covid and it DAMN sure beats the heck out of Delta.


Yes, I am. I hope infection rates won’t jump again, but it looks like they are already doing so and very rapidly. If that’s the case, I wish my state would do something sooner rather than later to try to help quash that, but the governor is a complete jackass so that seems unlikely. Heavy sigh.



I was one of the lucky ones who managed to get his shot pretty early in the process because I work in Health and Human Services and am technically a “first responder.”

I felt bad that I got my shots nearly two months before my dad and 98 year old grandmother, but it was also a huge relief, because I caught pneumonia last year while I was stuck in quarantine, and had I caught COVID over the top of that, the results would have almost certainly been fatal.

COVID has essentially consumed my life for the past year and a half, because I went from being “guy who deals with ergonomics and other everyday safety equipment for his department” to “guy who suddenly has to figure out how to purchase over $100,000 in PPE and retrofit 7 county buildings with social distancing partitions during the height of a pandemic, when every other county, state, and private organization is competing for the exact same non-existent resources.” I also have the fun task of recording contact tracing data for every single person in the department who tests positive for the virus… including those who have died. At least 6 dead out of approximately 900 employees (so far). A couple of whom I knew personally.

And I’ll probably go to my grave wondering how many of them would still be alive today if we’d had even the slightest shred of competent leadership at the federal level, instead of the partisan dumpster fire that is still raging and getting people killed on a daily basis in the name of greed, ignorance, and power. (And that’s as far as I’m going to go on that particular soapbox. But a heartfelt cheer and safe social distanced fist bump to everybody who actually did do their jobs, and helped keep people safe during this awful and heartbreaking time in humanity’s history. )


On behalf of the bazillion of us who have compromised immune systems, thank you for emphasizing this. I am lucky enough that I could be vaccinated, as could my loved ones. But everyone who wears a mask is helping protect me and my family, and everyone who gets a shot is helping keep us alive, and we love you for it. Thank you. Won’t you? Thank you.


Vaxxed twice! Will take a third vaccine (booster shot) if necessary!


Yep! Moderna gang here (2x). And still masked up when I go to the grocery store or run other errands.
First shot just gave me a sore throat the day after and was gone the second day. The second shot? Oof, it was rough :laughing:. I had the worst non-stop body shakes and soreness I’ve ever experienced for about 36 hours starting the next morning. I’d do it again, though, no doubt.

If it wasn’t for a certain sovereign tribal government here taking charge with vaccines for everyone when the state governor contributed diddly squat other than pearl clutching and misinformation, Oklahoma would be in even worse shape!

I lost too many loved ones, blood and otherwise. We can’t let this happen again… I know many others have had the same unfortunate experience.


Both my wife & I are healthcare workers so we’ve both been fully vaxxed since January. She got the Pfizer, I the Moderna, so I guess we’ll see which is more effective given the recent number of breakthrough infections by the delta variant.


I got both Moderna jabs in March. Everything is fine and I’m enjoying my new wifi reception and Microsoft Surface Pro tablet.


Seeing as my dad passed from Covid last year, I can’t justify not getting the vaccine. I’m trying to spare everyone that type of heartache however I can, and I would hope everyone else would do do the same.


Got my second Pfizer on my birthday. Side effect was mild headache and somewhat tired the next day.

Only thing this pandemic has taught me is the amount of crazies in the U.S. Lot more then I thought.


Six hours after my age group became eligible, Pfizer shot #1 was in my arm. Only noticeable side effect was a sore arm and a faint headache and fatigue after shot #2. Every single person in my immediate family is vaxxed (all Pfizer Posse except my BiL, he’s Moderna Mob). And I would be more than happy to get a booster. Covid don’t play, and neither will I. Still being super cautious about crowds and masking.

Fun fact: I have an aunt who has worked for Pfizer for almost 40 years (they headhunted her right out of college), and she says that getting a vaccine like this finished and out is what they literally train for and that mRNA vaccines are the revolution in preventative medicine. Team Pfizzy!! :partying_face:


yup, but slightly anxious about going out to crowded places here(like beach bars) here in Florida due to Delta & the willfully unvaxxed - meaning those who outright refuse.

like anything else in life if you take risks there is a chance you will get burnt, BUT with covid you take risks the potential to “burn” people grows exponentially.
Do your best to limit exposure and maximize protecting those around you - at home or in public.


We couldn’t get it fast enough. But still worried about our kid, who is too young for the shot but plenty old enough to hate us forever if we don’t bring him to the next live show. He’s a veteran.


Fully vaxed. When I got my notification that I was able to sign up I had to check three times to make sure it wasn’t a mistake because it was about four months earlier than I expected to get an appointment. Both shots, still wearing a mask, and still doing the distancing thing, although my mom and I did go a little crazy and eat in a sit-down restaurant for the first time in over a year, recently.


The side effects are VERY mild, especially (anecdotally among myself and friends and FOAFs) with the Pfizer vaccine.

Certainly much better than acute COVID and better than long COVID for sure (which they’re finding out now can cause dementia, among other life changing crap)


You’re doing the Lord’s work, there. Keep it up.