Breaking: Razzies Ignore "Me You Madness": Bad Movie Gods Angered By Refusal of Gift

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bad Movie Gods simply stopped sending us bad movies. I mean this thing checks all the boxes!

Using inexplicable wealth to make your own movie? CHECK :ballot_box_with_check:

Producer / Director / Writer / Star who insists that her movie is “really good” and “a lot of fun” despite all evidence to the contrary? CHECK :ballot_box_with_check:

A movie with a great backstory, i.e. making your vanity production while your husband is serving as secretary of the treasury for the Donald Trump administration? CHECK :ballot_box_with_check:

I know, looking through all the Razzie nominees, you might think “But HOW could they NOT nominate “Diana: The Musical” to make room for this?”

True THAT, so I beg the Razzie committe to please expand the Worst Picture category to 10 movies. Please.