Brief, Interesting Facts...About You!

Oh yeah, I just remembered a seriously weak-tea fun fact about me. Let me get this straight:

I shook the hand that shook the hand that shook the hand that shook the hand of Charles Darwin.

And no, none of those hands were Kevin Bacon’s.


I have had two former world #1 golfers nearly bean me with a poor drive. And I was definitely somewhere no pro golfer should ever have put a golf ball. On one of those occasions, I was also nearly run over by a Secret Service detail in a golf cart.


@Raudy it worked! I’m razzled and dazzled!

@trdsf it KIND of sounds like there was an assassination plot against you maybe

now another fact about me:

i misspelled my own very common middle name until i was 14 years old




Fun(?) fact about me: I’ve never seen a James Bond or Terminator movie.


if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen 'em all if you’ve missed 'em all, you’ve missed one

i forgot to mention in the first post that this is a JUDGMENT FREE ZONE


Terminator 2 still holds up ok and if you ever do a bond film casino royal is a good adaptation of the novel.


Are you wanting to see a Bond or Terminator movie? If so, Terminator 2 is the one to see. The original is good for additional context, but all the others are, shall we say, not good.

Bond is tricky. If you want to know what it’s all about, I’d recommend an early movie (Sean Connery, maybe Roger Moore). If you want something more whiz-bang, a modern movie (Daniel Craig) would scratch that itch.


It takes real talent and skill to play any musical instrument badly as consistently as Jack Benny did. And I’m saying that in all seriousness — no sarcasm intended nor implied. The man could genuinely play well when he wanted to.

Just make sure you watch Casino Royale (2006) with Daniel Craig, and not Casino Royale (1967) with David Niven, Woody Allen, Peters Sellers, et al. Though the musical score of the latter with Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass certainly has some catchy tunes (I personally use the theme song as my ring tone), it’s a deliberate, flat-out, spy movie farce that has nothing in common with any other James Bond film, novel, or short story. It wasn’t until 1999 that MGM was able to purchase legally obtain the film rights to Casino Royale from Sony (which six years later wound up buying MGM — ah, show business!) and start work on what became the first Daniel Craig Bond film.


I can wiggle my ears independently of each other. :ear:


i can almost juggle

@RRRob oh wow! do you know semaphore?


I met Clayton Moore (I as maybe 8 at the time) and got my picture taken with him. He wasn’t allowed to wear the mask (due to it being part of the Lone Ranger character), but he did wear sunglasses.

Also met Neil deGrasse Tyson and once yelled at John Goodman (Mardi Gras…he threw a doubloon at me).


I was in a band with the nephew of Gary Cole (Lumbergh from Office Space).



See, that makes me want to see it MORE, as comedy moves my soul. I really don’t care for Bond, or even spy stuff in general, so that sounds great.


I’m at a difficult crossroad, as I own the 2006 Casino Royale and want to watch the RiffTrax of it, but enjoy the looks people give me when I tell them I’ve never seen a Bond film.

So, that’s the hard part. I enjoy how shocked people are when I mention this, so I’m kind of committed to the bit at this point. But it has recently made my life difficult as there’s a RiffTrax for Casino Royale and I wanna see it.

First world problems.


Get back to me after…

Do you **really** want to know?
It's not relevant to the plot, trust me.
Last chance! Here be spoilers!

The cowboys ride in on horses for the bar fight scene in the final act. :roll_eyes:

No, I’m not kidding. When I said “farce,” I meant “farce” in the precise definition of the word. :le_sigh:


For a good twenty years or so, I was able to state that the only James Bond movie that I had seen was A View To A Kill, which seems to be one of the most disliked one in the entire series.


I’m a HUGE classic radio fan! The Jack Benny Show, Life of Riley, Suspense, Gunsmoke, X-Minus 1, Our Miss Brooks, etc etc

Between Frank Nelson and Mel Blanc as the department store counter worker on The Jack Benny Show, it was pure magic.



You are doing a terrible job of making your case (no offense). I love farces. Seriously, this is starting to sound better and better. Next you’ll tell me it stars Leslie Nielsen and “Weird” Al did a song for it….

Wait, that exists already?!


Different movie. “Weird Al” was only 8 and Leslie Nielson was still a serious actor when Casino Royale (1967) was released. It’s not “Spy Hard,” but Casino Royale’s theme song is pretty catchy…


I kinda like the “bad” Casino Royale.


“Train leaving on Track 5 for Anaheim, Azusa and Cuc----amonga!”