Completely Random Thoughts ...

So the lady’s name means ‘Star Star’?:thinking:

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I just typed “welsh horse skull” into Amazon and I look forward to what the algorithm does with that.


It is 10,000 years in the future. Human society has collapsed and the species has gone extinct. Aliens land on Earth for the first time and go out to explore. They find the only artifact of our culture left- an ancient LP of Bon Jovi’s Slippery When Wet.

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Okay, but actual genuine writing prompt: somebody from the far future finds an ancient Rifftrax and gives it a listen. Unfortunately, the movie to go with it, is completely gone. What do they make of it?


I just realized it’s objectively funnier if it’s a cassette tape.

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Especially if somebody stuck a magnet to it.


Just blocked my first Twitter troll.

Oooooh, that felt good.

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Peanut M&Ms are just not that good. They’re sort of OK, I guess, maybe. But not that good.


Bought a 12 pack of this from Ollie’s for $3…
I agree with a lot of this review but the ‘peppery’ tinge after each swig made me cough a bit :dizzy_face:
If you like spicy stuff it might be worth a try but for me, meh :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Saw 12 packs of Fruit Cake-flavored Mountain Dew in the grocery store yesterday. No. Just No.

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That belongs in The Mystery Science Discourse 3000 Gallery of Regrettable Foods.

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Done :+1:

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Dark, midnight blue is probably a cooler color than black. In general.

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Van Gogh certainly thought so.


Yes, to great effect.

Using decent scissors to cut paper is a darned shame. And yet, sometimes it cannot be avoided.

For assistance in removing skin tags and other blemishes, scissors can be useful when deployed by a skilled tool user, however.




Would you really miss it if Twitter goes bye-bye? :open_mouth:


Kinda, yeah? I’ve curated a pretty fun timeline on Twitter, and I’m part of several great communities that are spread out so far and wide that I’d fall out of touch with a lot of people if Twitter went dark. I’ve also had some fantastic interactions with news personalities, authors, artists and athletes that I probably will never be able to meet in IRL, so Twitter’s given me the chance to “talk” with these folks.

So yeah, I’ll probably miss that.


I used Twitter for a while, but it is so busy that I just couldn’t keep up. So no, I wouldn’t miss it.

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I used to use Twitter several years back but when my first wife passed away in January 2017 I basically shut down using various social media platforms including Twitter and i deleted most of those accounts around the time when Elon was talking about taking over Twitter.
It just never really worked out for me so I won’t miss it.