Destroy and rebuild Kelsey's Crow

I can’t stand Kelsey’s crow either! Can’t stand at all! I get knocked down by how well she creates her own style and ability to bring a unique twist to the character! I have to sit down and enjoy it, otherwise I get dizzy from the sheer talent!


This has become my standard response to the whole “Kelsey’s voice is too different from other Crows”:

Crow is not the bot’s name, it is its model. All the lacrosse net/ping pong ball/bowling pin robots are the Crow model of bot. They all have different voice modules installed. It is like all 2022 Ford Mustangs are the same model of car, but with different options packages and whatnot they aren’t all the same.


Kelsey’s a good Crow!
(as in “Hooker’s a good cop”…apologies if that one’s been used before)


The jokes are funny. Kelsey is funny. Neither Crow nor Kelsey are going anywhere. I’m glad of this. She’s a wonderful addition to the show and I’m sorry you’re not enjoying it, but this seems a lot like the “I can’t tell the difference between Baron and Hampton’s voices!” from Netflix times. Everything gets easier to deal with as time goes on as long as you have good people doing good work.


No thanks.

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This was in a host segment and it’s the reason I’ve also gone with the “model name” interpretation. Crow gets hail damage in a derecho, so they get a loaner Crow from GPC that she’d been “tinkering with for years”. Then there’s the plethora of Servos we’ve seen…


Can’t we just get Beyond ThunderCrow?


Quest of the Delta Knights! A lot of us just watched that last weekend because it’s one of this month’s Vault Picks. :slight_smile:


I know this is a (deserved) snarky reply, but…I’d argue that could be the canonical answer too. Kinga is trying to make MST3K into a business. The absolute last thing she’s going to do is replace any of the bots, the most recognizable and iconic part of the show and its visual design. No offense to our Growler and M. Waverly fans, but there’s a good reason all of the Shout Factory and MST3K Live branding and merchandise is Tom, Crow and GPC.

Anyway, the bottom line is simple. Like Kelsey’s Crow said at the start of Munchie…

I sound different in a way that’s noticeable, but…

stares at camera

…you’ll get used to really quickly.


Not going to rewatch to confirm, but Howard Hesseman might say the exact same thing at the beginning of Munchie Strikes Back.

Oh, no. If that’s the case it means the writers and cast have already watched Munchie Strikes Back even after the first one almost broke them…

i’m pretty sure it says in the bible “destroy this crow and i will rebuild it in three days!” so, i dunno, man.
“impaleod” made me laugh a lot.

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I think I put out this idea, but so what. If they made this Crow female it would be easier to accept the voice. I mean add a pink bow and lipstick to get a female Crow. They could use the costume from Warrior of the Lost World skit even. That skit was hilarious. Not all of the robots need to be female, but that would’ve fit the alternative universe theme better. Honestly, Crow is the only one that freaks me out. Although not everyone can be White Dot.
Off topic: Could Emily get some riff training? She’s pretty boring.

Crow isn’t male or female. Crow has no genitalia. Crow is a robot. A ‘female Crow’ makes no sense.


They changed GPC’s look, so anything is possible

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I mean, “lipstick and pink bow” is a bit basic as an indicator of femininity…


I think the Ms. Pac-Man method of making it blindingly obvious you were trying to create a character who is intended to be a woman should be left in the 80s.

Also your ideas on what a woman is or looks like or should be are reductive and needlessly limiting. The easier thing to do is just let Crow be Crow and in 2022 that’s a wider lacrosse net than it was before.


I’m pushing the stop button here. More explanation will come soon.