Discuss the movies for Season 13 (plus viewing poll)

I think you’re right that The Bubble is the one they’ve been describing as NuManos.

But I’d categorize it closer to NuStarfighters, because it’s just kinda dull.

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Wow, really? I’m a huge classic radio fan and Obeler’s radios shows were fantastic! This makes me look forward to seeing this.


I hope I’m not cheating by counting the Season 0 riff of Sumuru as "having watched the movie.* Some of the others I’ve heard of, but most of them will be totally new to me, which is great. I’ve largely resisted the urge to go read up on them, or pay much attention to other fans’ analysis of what they’re like in their pristine [sic] forms.

The presence of Sumuru suggests that at least one or two poor saps had to re-watch both the S0 and the RT takes to assure no duplication of earlier jokes. My heart goes out to those brave, brave people. [cue “Battle Hymn Of The Republic”]


The only one I KNOW I have seen is Gamera vs. Jiger, but it was so long ago. I may have seen SuMuru as well but given that I sometimes have been finding myself watching non-KTMA episodes and realizing that I haven’t seen them despite the fact I thought I had (turns out I was remembering other people remembering watching them) I doubt it.


Maybe they’ve just got particularly dank strains in Peru


Had we seen Manos (1966) devoid of the riffing initially wouldn’t “kinda dull” have been more of the first reaction? The Mystery Science treatment augments how we encounter these works. Much of how I remember Manos is the refrain “It’s Manos… The Hands of Fate…” replayed over and over. Joel sees the raw material of what might become a Manos. Is he right? We’ll have to see. If MST amplifies that boredom into a memorable riffing experience? It might get there. It just might. This is a process and sometimes it’s hard to imagine the result.


The Batwoman is a great movie to riff. It’s like a girl steals Batman’s cowl and fights crime in a bikini and does wrestling on the side.


I do wonder if they were trying to capitalize on Batgirl…or did this rip off movie come out before the Barbara Gordon Batgirl existed?


I don’t find Manos dull, I find it disgusting. I understand why some people love it, but it’s one of the episodes I usually pass on when I’m doing a watch through.

I don’t think ‘The Bubble’ reaches those depths of depravity, but then I can see that other people might have a different definition of what ‘like Manos’ would mean.


Exactly. Manos (1966) means different things to different people.


I have to say that in the chat last night, I was totally charmed by the way the guys, in this porn filled world we live in, still went ape over a gal in a bikini.

It was cute!


Playing catch-up now that I’m back in town. Yay for a Jeffrey Combs film! And when talk was going around about “another Manos”, the original The Mask film was the first one that came to mind. How cool they are actually doing it! I’ve seen it before, it’s good material.

The one I’m probably looking least forward to is Munchie. We’ve already been to that well sufficiently with Mac and Hobgoblins. Unlike kaiju films, they aren’t more interesting the more of them you do.


I’m counting “The Million Eyes of Su Muru” as having seen it, even though it’s only through the KTMA episode. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If I recall correctly, a few of the potential films they were going for this season did not pan out. I wonder if the 1978 Television Film Pilot Dr. Strange was one of them and they decided to replace it with Doctor Mordrid, because that would be absolutely hilarious (Doctor Mordrid was supposed to be an actual Doctor Strange film until the option rights ran out, and they simply CTRL+H the name “Doctor Strange” to “Doctor Mordrid”).

This is going to be an exciting season, for sure. I’m hoping everything works out better than expected and we soon see MST3K every year again!


I saw THE BUBBLE on the big screen in 3-D when I was 17 and should have known better. Going under the name of THE FANTASTIC INVASION OF EARTH, it used to turn up in the Dayton, Ohio area along with ANDY WARHOL’S FRANKENSTEIN at one specific theater (the Kon-Tiki) almost on a yearly basis. The two films used the same process for its 3-D, so when one of the two ended its week-run, you could bet the other would pop up for a week’s run. (I suspect the theater owned prints of both and had them handy to throw on for a week if there was nothing better to run; they did the same with a double feature of FLESH GORDON and THE GROOVE TUBE for years.)

THE BUBBLE is … pretty terrible. It’s even worse if you see it in 3-D as half the movie is people pointing things at the screen in an attempt to showcase the 3-D effect, which was dismal (WARHOL’S FRANKENSTEIN used the effect better). My understanding is that there’s a cut that eliminates most of these pointless (Heh, sorry) effects if you don’t see the movie in 3-D, which may be what they are using here. Just a mind-numbing experience. At least you can point to it as being the basis for THE SIMPSONS MOVIE and Stephen King’s UNDER THE DOME series.

Yeah, that’s not selling it for anyone, I’m sure.

THE MASK is actually a fairly good movie with some nice 3-D work in it, so I’ll be interested to see what they do there.

THE MILLION EYES OF SU-MURU is at least better than it’s sequel, THE GIRL FROM RIO, which was directed by CASTLE OF FU-MANCHU director Jess Franco. Shame they couldn’t get that one, but it has enough nudity and sadism to cancel it out, I’m sure.

DOCTOR MORDRID is stupid fun, with Jeffrey Combs, who is always worth watching. It’s obviously a rip-off of Doctor Strange, but that’s what makes it worth the trouble to see in a way.

I’ve seen a few of these others, but I think everyone has said what needs to be said there. Looking forward to the season.


I actually bought The Christmas Dragon assuming it would be a cute fairy tale style Christmas fantasy I could watch with my nieces and nephews.

It ended up being a bit too cheap and awkward for that.


I have only seen Su-Muru (KTMA) and Shape (Rifftrax) so am really looking forward to the new season, particularly Doctor Mordrid for Jeffrey.


I’m always excited for more badly dubbed luchador and kaiju action so this season is right up my alley.


I thought Batwoman would be higher up. I’m a simple man.


Hismanei I’ve arrived for negotiation


Hmm, after running the cast list, I’m a little bit more interested in Munchie, since it has Angus Scrimm (Phantasm) and George “Buck” Flower (They Live). I’m sure they’re still humiliating “cash the check” roles, however.