Early Onset Nostalgia

We already have it. Lesley merged those threads promptly and closed a thread when a number of people asked within a day. It exists now. No need for more. I heard you loud and clear and that’s what a civil society does. Folks want more than they need sometimes and this is a case which embodies that precisely. Trust your fellow members and secondly keep them in the loop. That goes a long way absent draconian measures no one here is truly going to like. My humble opinion. Cheers!

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Something else to consider, there’s nothing stopping anyone from creating new, more ‘on topic’ discussions. Of course, then we’re back to, there’s nothing really MST-ish to talk about at the moment.

Folks will be receiving holiday cards in the next week or so, which will probably generate some discussion, as will access to the classic episode packs. Then there will probably be some beta testing of the Gizmoplex in the new year. That will certainly generate some buzz.


Also, there’s no reason to create topics just for the sake of doing so. It’s not like the forum is going to die if there are fewer new topics during a lull. If anything, posting “just because” is more likely to disinterest people than a period a relative quiet.

Most of my time here is replying, and I only create a new thread when it doesn’t exist, like with the recent MST3K Serials one. Feeling compelled to create new threads willy-nilly seems to speak to something else other than a desire to be part of the community.


:point_up: This – some of my favorite threads are months old but I still keep up with them, reading new stuff and adding when appropriate (okay when I feel like it, maybe not the same thing). I don’t care if a thread is new, only if it’s interesting/fun, but I also know my interests are my own.


With all due respect, you may believe I am creating “topics just for the sake of doing so” but you would be wrong. You are projecting YOUR standards and YOUR preferences onto other people. I may have gone about it not to your liking but it was sincere and not frivolous though I will never convince you of that despite my best efforts.

Again more of your opinion. None of us know what will transpire with more or less content. This is you soapboxing. Again with respect.

Depends on the audience, I have a good number of people read my stuff, another group that is indifferent, and people like yourself who could live without it. As far as “disinterest”, it applies to you and a couple notable skeptics and perhaps some of the indifferent but certainly not everybody. Stop conflating your opinions with everyone else. I realize my conga line of Best Brains tributes wasn’t that popular and you were lamenting my practices way before hence this thread. How much of your assessment is SandyFrank and how much is the community at large? That’s the question. You said this on December 2nd, “I’m more just an old grump on his barstool lamenting how his favorite watering hole isn’t what it used to be.” This seems very personal and I get it. I represent everything you don’t like and a few others as well.

We may not be particularly fond of each other SandyFrank but it doesn’t mean we can’t get along. I’ve backed off my production of threads, applied higher scrutiny to what I do produce, and I really have tried to listen and take into account the criticism and concerns and apply them moving forward. What more could you ask for? I’m not perfect yet darn it I am trying. This is a two-way street. I’m working with you but are you working with me? I’ve evolved my approach since all of this began and continue to today. You on the other hand are saying the same things now that you were then. To you, nothing has changed. Seemingly. And that is where we are.

“Just because”? Sorry that’s not my motivation. Respectfully you don’t understand me at all. You have your own read and you’re sticking to it and it’s wrong. I actually really believe in what I share so you couldn’t be more off.

And I respect that. You follow your own drummer. As do I. The irony of humanity is there are umpteen drummers out there and not one of them is exactly the same or better than any other. The trick is balance. I’ll freely admit I wrestle with going too far and at my worst moments I have however the rest of the time our disagreement is a difference of approach and I stand by that.

Not to pile on you, but you really could post fewer threads. Limit yourself to one a day at least. You post far more than anyone else. I realize you want to contribute, and you do contribute, but it’s getting overwhelming.


“Willy-nilly” is your read and again you may perceive it as willy-nilly whereas to me the ideas come fast and it’s the inspiration in the moment. Not everyone is the same. Some track faster. Others slower. You assume too much. I am not SandyFrank and can’t be held or judged by the rules of SandyFrank. I am Bruce Lee Pullen and can only be the best Bruce Lee Pullen I can be not SandyFrank. People extend their own expectations onto others and that’s a very dangerous calculation and it isn’t always accurate.

The “something else” you speak to is the half of my life I bottled everything inside to avoid abuse, ridicule, and drama. Around the age of 16, I began opening up and whenever I do it’s like a geyser or force of nature. Still is today. It’s my personality and who I am. And I think I have said this before. I’ve been very open here and brass tacks what displeases you most won’t probably ever leave completely. We’ll simply have to make do and come to an understanding.

Raisin snails.


I would eat said raisin snails and take one for the team.


I post two new threads a day. I have ever since I discovered this thread. I also respond to the threads I started so it could seem that I am producing more than I actually am. You used the word “overwhelming” previously and I took it to heart. It’s why I dropped to two a day because of you. I was paying attention. 1 a day? Okay. I find it a bit discouraging as if I can’t ever please everybody but I’m fine with that. Just to be clear I was decreasing even if no one saw it.


I’m really not trying to discourage you from being here or from posting. I like you and I like the things you post. I just find it a little overwhelming.


This is backed up by science. You are actually the person who has hearted the majority of Bruce’s content.


Sadly my nature is forever going to be “overwhelming”. It’s my lot in life. A little of me goes A LONG WAY. I had to live with that most of my existence. It’s why I actually listen and take heed of any constructive criticism thrown my direction.


Is your team very small or do you expect only one of the members to want one?


Yes. Which is why that riff spoke to me. Then and now. Cave Dwellers (1982) is the first MST3K I watched. That joke one of the very first riffs in the film immediately struck me as personal and it stands as one of my all-time favorite riffs.

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The Coen Brothers’ earlier, less catchy film title.


Sort of getting back to the original subject of this thread…I feel like a lot of noise could be cut down if the tag system were better. I’m not really familiar with Discourse outside of this forum, so maybe the tags work differently here than they do on other sites, but I see that even though there’s a function for muting tags, it doesn’t seem to do anything? Like, for example, if I muted the “movies” tag, threads with that tag will still show up in my unreads (I don’t know about new threads, I haven’t tried that yet). So what’s the point in having that function?

That being said, even if the tag system did work better, it wouldn’t matter right now cuz LOTS of threads go untagged. I myself haven’t been tagging new topics I make because it doesn’t seem to matter (though I should really do it anyway.) But if it did, you’d have the option to mute specific tags without shutting yourself out of whole topics. People who know they post a lot could even create a unique tag for their topics that others could specifically mute if they wanted to see less of those threads. But since I don’t know Discourse, I’m not sure if this is a is a platform issue or a user issue


Tags around here seem to be more like subtitles. I can’t see a use for them since this place has categories, which do the same basic thing that tags do.

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Okay so it’s not just me not knowing how to use the site. Guess that’s a platform shortcoming then.


You can search for threads by tags.