Favo(u)rite Robot(s), and Why?

Love em all but been a Crow man from day one. Also, Growler is basically Rowlf if even fewer things bothered him, so that.


When I first started watching I thought Servo was the cooler looking bot, and he rocked the Host Segments.

But in the theater, Crow won me over, I know they assign riffs, but I always seemed to laugh a lot at Crow’s quips. Trace, Bill, Hampton… maybe it’s the way they deliver a line that slays me, but they were and are, all-stars in the theater.

Edit, but when I think of them, Crow was pretty good with the skits too, his essay on Rutherford B Hayes, his Tickle Me Carlo Lombardi bit, etc.


I’ll be weird and vote cambot. Couldn’t see any of the other bots otherwise if you think bout it. Reptilicus Metallicus close second :grin:


Don’t you mean Robo(u)t(s)?

I dunno how many times I’m gonna do the popped-out eyes stare again, but anyway…

There’s nothing wrong with any of the bots, but I’m team Crow all the way. His personality is so big and fun. I wouldn’t even be able to pick a favorite between Trace and Bill; both so excellent

I don’t really have a favorite. I do feel a special sympathy for the guest robot in a Comedy Central episode who could only talk by spewing foam. That’s pretty much me during every allergy attack. :confused:


The series is mostly known for riffing films, but Gypsy’s my favorite. It maybe her unique snake-like design and/or maybe her unique wacky falsetto voice. She’s also got a lot of funny moments, such as beating the heck out of Joel in The Beatniks, freaking out over the wallpaper in The Beast of Yucca Flats, her one-woman show in “The Day The Earth Froze”, even the “Hired! The Musical” segment.

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She certainly is happy in her work, I tell you what.