Favorite “bad” movie no one’s heard of?

Anyone who has Shudder and doesn’t mind gore, watch Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell. Someone basically just made their own Evil Dead movie and it’s clearly someone not as talented as Raimi but has a LOT of love and passion.


Tried to show my daughter Meet the Hollowheads but she thought it was too gross. She couldn’t make it past their “pet dog.” I don’t even know if you can call it a bad movie. I don’t know what kind of movie it is. It’s a… thing that happened.


I think by now most people are familiar with Star Crash or Battle Beyond the Stars.

But I recently rediscovered a film I remembered specific details of as a kid, but did not remember the name. (I never forget an instance of a lightsaber ripoff.) I definitely forgot about the two robot lovers being racist to another robot, tho.