Favorite Cheesy Movie of All Time?

Sure, I’m game.

Ahem. (Imitating Tom Servo’s voice:) “Mr. Sumner, would you please show the court where the Mini Cooper struck you?”


A little bit of column A, a little bit of column B :rofl:

It feels like Sci Fi has only recently become “mainstream” and therefore reviewed properly

But there are also a lot of very cheesy Sci Fi and fantasy films. In the 80s. Now. They just work so well for cheese


The Beast of the Yellow Night is definitely a movie that requires a follow-up shower.

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Some favourite cheesy movies after thinking about it way too hard: :wink:
Flesh for Frankenstein & Blood for Dracula (because Udo Kier is cool)
Cherry 2000
Return of the living dead 3
The Wraith


I LOVE ROTLD3! One of my favorite love stories of all time!


After pondering this question long and hard, I have to go with Tremors.


Tremors is great. I must admit I even enjoy the second one.


Oh, gosh, a couple of friends and I went to see Dune the weekend it opened, and about a third of the way in I’m begging them to leave and ask for our money back, but they just kept saying, ‘Maybe it will get better.’

It did not get better.

I ended up spending the last third just giggling all the way through, because if I didn’t I’d just cry, and crying wouldn’t have helped.


I actually enjoy the Corman flick Battle Beyond The Stars. Though very possibly because the James Horner soundtrack helps a great deal. Plus, John Saxon!

I also want a restored version of The Crawling Eye. I think it has a wonderfully claustrophobic feel that would shine in an uncut, crisp print. My suspicion that the movie is heavily influenced by the John Christopher novel The Possessors lends it more respectability in my books.


Does this count, or do cult classics get a reprieve from the “cheesy” moniker?

If it does count, then yes, Big Trouble in Little China is my all-time fave!


So many to choose from but Gymkata is the one which springs to mind for some reason. The film poses so many questions it just can’t answer. If you’ve seen it you’ll know what I mean.


Don’t know if I’d quite categorise it as cheesy, but the Japanese flick Matango, about people turning into mushrooms, is certainly bizarre. Might be a bit too Cronenbergian for MST3K to touch. Plus it’s actually a decent film, surprisingly.

The Ultraman rip-off Inframan would make a great episode, however. It’s loads of bad English dubbing and clumsy rubber suit fights. Plus a chief monster that my dad memorably pointed out resembles a California Raisin. Riffing gold.


BeastMaster —so wonderfully awesome and terrible. The costumes were ridiculous and the acting was just awful —but I love it.

Red Sonja—see all of the above for reasons why.


Don’t forget Candy’s dual roles in that fever dream of a movie.

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I have a few that I watch regularly, but the ones not mentioned yet are The Ice Pirates and Zorro the Gay Blade. And pretty much any movie starring Bruce Campbell or James Marsters.


If I’m going with the definition of trying-but-ended-up-being-unintentionally-bad, I think I’ll have to go with the 1998 Lost in Space. It has lots of flaws, many of which I enjoy laughing at, but I love it. It’s on my Favorites shelf and has been for years.

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Oh yeah, those Hopping Vampires; silly as hell, but also disturbing.

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Wow! Not just for the movie, but because I just watched the Red Letter Media re:View for it today for the first time. What a mess of a movie.


I’d love to see anyone riff I fantastici tre supermen, which can be found online under its English title, Three Fantastic Supermen.

I utterly loathe intentionally bad films. Never saw and never will see Rifftrax’s Sharknado.

TFS is an utterly ridiculous Eurospy film about guys capering about in skin-tight but somehow bulletproof supersuits to steal money to finance their criminal organization of acrobatic women that end up putting an International Criminal Mastermind and his clones and orphan hostages out of business. It’s genuinely wonderful.


Breakin’. But not Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo, that movie is trash.

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