Favorite continuity error in an episode.

Thinking about that just reminds me of the line toward the beginning after John Saxon kills the burglar and Mitchell says “There’s a police investigation going on, you know.” And Joel says, “Oh really? I thought there was just a big slob walking around my house.” :joy:


Ditto Amazing Colossal Man, where Joel and Glenn talk about what he did to Vegas before he goes to Vegas.


Nor is he as physically fit as Eastwood.


The teleporting Icky Elf from Girl in Gold Boots is my favourite. But it’s also weird. This is because a few years ago, there was a guy who was re-editing MST3k with the full, uncut versions of the movies and the original version didn’t have that error. I kind of want to know the back story if the Best Brains team ended up stumbling onto an edit for time that accidentally ended up being very funny or if it was an edit for TV that was somehow very funny. I wants to know.

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Check in with @ItsJustAShow . Or with Jackey Neyman Jones, who wrote Growing Up With Manos. (Which I think IJAS may have referenced in their podcast. Anyway…) As hard as it is to believe, those apparently were two distinct guys but they sounded very similar.


As documented by Cambot himself, Cave Dwellers has a barbarian wearing Ray-Bans™ and visible tire tracks viewable in at least one scene. :laughing:


There’s a tidbit that’s not precisely a continuity error, but it’s something I absolutely love, having spotted it after seeing the episode several times:

During the long, looooong sequence of emergency workers driving around, deploying, setting up oscilloscopes, etc., there’s one particular shot of two soldiers working on an oscilloscope that’s set up on a wall (and is, I think the “central oscilloscope” Dr. Conrad mentions earlier). It’s shot from behind the wall, over the equipment. One soldier is standing at one side of the equipment, the other is bent over, looking at, or perhaps writing on, some paper or something. The first soldier leans over, fiddles with something on the equipment, then straightens up and says something–we don’t hear anything, as there’s no sound with this. The other soldier, without looking up from whatever he’s doing, raises his left hand up and says something in return. The first soldier leans over to look at the oscilloscope, does a double-take, leans in closer, then breaks off and straightens up.

A few minutes later, we see two soldiers standing by a wall with oscilloscope equipment–one is standing to one side, the other is bent over in front of the equipment. Yes, it’s the same setup as before, except 1) the shot is originating from behind the soldiers, and 2) there’s dialog this time.

Soldier #1 leans in for a look, and straightens up and says something like, “What are supposed to do if we get a signal, stand here and die?” The other soldier, without looking up, raises his left hand at the first soldier and says, “Aww, shut up and watch the scope.” The first soldier takes another look at the scope, then does a double-take and peers closer. “I see something,” he says, or something like that, and the scene continues.

My only conclusion from all this is that Rebane filmed these two doing a run-through of part of their scene, and this practice shot was used as padding. Gotta love it.


Not continuity, necessarily, but I love when they’re filming in California and the setting is explicitly NOT California. “That’s my favorite mountain range in ILLINOIS.


Although the guy with the Ray Bans isn’t in the actual experiment. It’s in a part they cut out. I’ve watched it multiple times trying to find the Ray Bans guy and he’s just not there.


When Mike appears as the janitor during an Earth vs. The Spider host segment before the janitor appears in the movie.

Oh, wait, from the movies. Hmmmm.


I kind of want to know the back story if the Best Brains team ended up stumbling onto an edit

I remembered reading that numerous copies of the film existed. I tried to look it up again, but there’s very limited information available, so I’m knitting in what microcosm of information there is with speculation in a vain attempt to make sense of Girl In Gold Boots.

It seems the version that’s most readily available these days is from a DVD print that came out in 2001, which used multiple cuts to minimize the amount of editing flubs, yet still couldn’t remove them all entirely.

This seems to suggest that, not only were there multiple cuts of the film prior to 2001, but that every single version managed to have some level of editing mistakes, the poor souls in charge of putting together the DVD cut had a mighty task trying to “fix” the film.

I think the weirdest mistake in the MST3K cut for me is at the end of the random dune buggy scene, where some ADR narration says “There goes” and cuts off without an end to the line. That narration is completely absent from the DVD version, which seems to suggest that no complete version of that audio exists anywhere. How it ever ended up in any copy of the film is beyond me. Wonder what it was supposed to say.


All this time I’d attributed that to my eyesight being terrible and my viewable copies of the episode being only meh.


Just rewatched The Brain That Wouldn’t Die tonight and there’s a huge shooting error in it. After the car crash, the evil doctor:

  1. Lands and rolls as though he was thrown from the driver side over the passenger side of the car.
  2. Rolls towards where the wrecked car is eventually shown, rather than away from it.
  3. And has rolled partway down a hill, yet is higher than the wrecked car (he walks down hill to get to it).

So I guess the accident was so bad he was translocated up and away about fifty feet from the crash. That’s an impressive outcome from hitting a guard rail.


Why, lookie here.

We got ourselves one of them conspiracy theoriests.


Hey man, neck juice can’t melt steel car frame!


Jan in the Pan stan!


I just rewatched “The Beatniks” from Season 4 last night, and the entire movie is a continuity error. Joel even riffs “This movie needs a Continuity director!” Sightlines, actor positions, NOTHING matches between shots.

Very underrated episode btw.

SPOILER ALERT: There are NO BEATNIKS in “The Beatniks.”


But there are rebels. Similarly, there are no rebels in The Rebel Set, but there are beatniks.


It’s like one of those deals with There Will Be Blood and No Country for Old Men where you’d have to think that things would be much improved if The Rebel Set and The Beatniks just switched titles.