Favorite Version of the Love Theme?

Despite not rewatching Season 7 much, I rather like the filtering applied to Mike’s doubled-tracked voice in 7’s theme, very (19)60’s. They all slap in one way or another. Season 13’s is a different vibe, but feels like a hug with all the fabulous epsiodes this year attatched to it, it’s just downright fun.

Back in the BringBackMST3K kickstarter & unofficial Club MST3K days of 2016 I had a minute of fun syncing the original CC/SciFi season themes together, since they all were made using the same KTMA-era basic tracks.
It’s kinda neat to notice how some of the reused shots gradually degrade in quality upon each re-edit/tape copying over the seasons, the planet logo in Season 7 compared to 1 in particular.

(Fun fact, I no longer have access to this old “buttonfrank” account, while I can still log in, some Google/YouTube shenanigans that switched how channels are linked to overall Google acounts made it disappear at some point a couple years ago, I still recieve the rare email update about the channel despite it bizarrely not being accessible anymore, lol!)


Joel’s theme for seasons 2-5.5 is by far my favorite. Pure nostalgia, along with it just sounding better (to me).


Something I’ve always enjoyed about the Comedy Central Mike era intro is that moment when Crow suddenly darts this look straight at you. Always gets a smile or chuckle out of me!


But… Joel only knows the lyrics to Mike’s theme!!! :open_mouth:


Never noticed until your pic that Tom is looking at us too.


Well, he is different